I'm scared, nervous, and afraid:

15 1 0

Although that is a long title,
That describes how I feel
You see, I've been through sticks and stones,
And they sort of have broken my bones
Now, I'm worried about my dear mother,
She's gonna have yet another surgery, oh what a bother!
She's been through enough
I don't think she needs more things rough

Now, on to me
I'm adopted and I'm happy about it
She who gave birth to me wasn't, and isn't, a good fit
I was bullied as a child
Was never wild
Was bullied by a teacher too
I don't think what she did was the right thing to do
My mother had a literal heart attack
Not kidding or eating a snack
She's been sick ever since
All her pain makes me wince
I was diagnosed with crohns,
An illness in the digestive system that makes me moan and groan
Cuz I was in pain
I didn't much gain
I left school in tenth grade
Not gonna lie or color it a different shade
That's my story, unless I left something out
If I did, I'm sorry I say with a pout

Why'd I title this poem that I'm scared, nervous, and afraid?
Cuz that's how I feel about my mother's surgery in cascades
Why'd I tell you my life's story?
Not to bore thee
I told it cuz I felt like I should
In this friendly neighborhood

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz