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Throw as many things as you'd like at me
But I'm protected, can't you see?
This armor, although invisible, is protecting me from your throws
Although no one can see it, and nobody knows

Throw as many words as you'd like in my direction
But, if you look hard enough, you can see yourself in my armors reflection
Is that really who you want to be?
Is the real you someone who wants to hurt me?

Throw as many rocks as you'd like in my face
But it'll just bounce off of me at a slow, or fast, pace
Once the rock hits the earth
Will you realize your self-worth?
Or will you hit me with another rock
And my armor will be the one to receive the shock?

So, throw as many things as you'd like
Whatever you throw at me will just take a hike
The words will just make you think about your action
And the rock will just give the armor a reaction
So, throw as many things as you'd like; they won't hurt me
Throw as many things as you'd like; they'll just be thrown on something you can't see

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now