Yandere!Ciel (Black Butler) - Feline Persuasion

Start from the beginning

"Please, call me Ciel. I'm sure we will be seeing each other more often, since you will be borrowing the services of my butler. I would like to think we could get to know each other and what better way than to start by using each others first names, right Miss...?" He left the question hanging as he waited for my answer.

"Then please call me (y/n). It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Ciel. I look forward to getting to know you better." I gave him another smile, this one more warm and heartfelt.

I'd never thought to meet someone so much higher in rank than myself, yet be treated so kindly by them. It was a very pleasant surprise and I couldn't help but look forward to learning more about this young Lord Ciel, who was so much different than anything I had heard about him from others gossiping as I passed by in the markets.

"Would you like to stay for dinner? I'm sure it would be easier on you if you didn't have to stress over making yourself a meal this late in the day." Hearing the offer, I couldn't help but blush when my stomach gave a light rumble in response.

Especially when I saw the amused grin that caused his soft looking lips to curve upwards. What was I thinking? Giving myself a mental shake, I smiled at the young man before me and nodded.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you. I'm afraid I hadn't been thinking of how late it would be by the time we were finished and had not thought to even eat a snack before leaving my house. I'm afraid I can me rather absent minding about things that do not have to do with my cats." Laughing softly, I once more didn't notice the soft hint of pink that spread across his cheeks.

"Sebastian, prepare a meal for the both of us, something that will be easy for Miss (y/n) to eat with only one hand. Miss (y/n), please come with me. We can perhaps play a game of chess while we wait?" Nodding to Sebastian, he then turned to me with a soft smile. "Follow me, my lady."

Blushing a little at his gentle voice, I nodded and placed my hand on the arm he'd held out to me, my bag quickly forgotten as it sat on the floor again near the seat I'd vacated earlier.

"I would enjoy that, Lord Ciel. Very much so." I was oblivious to how his heart raced at the feel of my hand resting upon his arm, to how he turned his face away so he could hide the blush that grew even darker at my voice and, most of all, to the way his mind raced faster with plan after plan as he led me into the dining room and over to a chess set that sat in one corner.


Over the next few weeks, I found myself often being invited to dinner at the Phantomhive Manor, with the insistence that the young Lord Ciel did not wish me to push myself and thus slow down the healing process. Those times I was not invited, Sebastian was often to be found within my kitchens preparing a meal for me. It was sweet of Lord Ciel to do so much for me and over time I found myself slowly growing closer to him, to the point I soon began seeing him as a close friend. One I could talk to about nearly anything.

It was with this thought, this feeling, that I turned to him when a letter from my Father arrived one day, bearing news that I had not expected to ever hear. When we walked quickly into the sitting room, I jumped to my feet and rushed to him, the letter still crumpled within my hand.

"Ciel, please help me! Father, he said... he wants... It's horrid! How can he expect me to.. with someone I don't even know! How could he do this without even consulting me?!" Breaking down into tears, I rested against him as he took the letter from my hand and began to read. If I had looked up, I would have seen his once bright blue eyes grow as dark as the ocean's depths, his smile upon seeing me gone and replaced by a frightening scowl.

"Don't worry (y/n). I will take care of this. You will not have to even meet this... person... that your father has decided to engage you to. I'll take care of everything. You just rest. Sebastian! Come see Miss (y/n) to a room. And get her some tea to help calm her down. I'll be back soon and I want her to be resting here in a bed when I get back. That is an order." The firm yet caring tone of his voice set me at ease as I looked down at the floor. If only I had looked up, even for a moment.

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