Chapter 12: Zero

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~Zero~ as I stayed up all night thinking about how I'm going make this easier on (Y/N). The H.A want me dead for my crimes and have sent (Y/N) to kill me as her first mission, she can't kill me because she sees me as a good close friend to her. If she doesn't kill me the H.A will come and finish her job and take her away as well. I'll just turn my self in but I have an odd feeling something is coming... But what?... This is killing me. I hate Lord Kaname for taking (Y/N) away from me but I'm also thankful he will protect her in ways I can't and he gave me his blood to let me cool off. I sigh pacing in my dorm until I heard a knock. I went to my door opening it I saw her "zero, I've been told by the headmaster to come and get You..." She spoke soft and kept looking down. I knew something was up. I walked with her to the headmasters office and saw my brother Ichiru "well I'm glad (y/n) and zero are finally here to join us" the headmaster said smiling. "Zero it's been a long time.. Brother" Ichru said and winked at (y/n) as he spoke spoke and as soon as the word brother left his mouth (y/n) looked up and stared at him. (Y/n) spoke "headmaster I don't see why me and zero have to be here just to talk to Ichru" she growled I smiled. "(Y/N) calm down love. I don't bite remember? The headmaster just wanted to get your approval oN me joining the academy" Ichru said smiling at me and (y/n) "no!" I yelled hitting the table cracking it "zero, calm down" (y/n) said holding me back. "I said no he can't join." I stormed out the room leaving (y/n) and Ichru alone with headmaster. ~(Y/n)~  I was woken up this morning by my master. "Get up kid headmaster wants you to get zero and you and him go to his office" your eyes grew big ever since at the thought of going to zeros room and talking to him and going to see headmaster. You started wonder what this was all about so you got dressed and walked to his dorm and talked to him. He agreed and came along. Once you reached headmasters off you open the door and you quickly grew worried as you knew Ichru. You and Ichru have a past together. *Flashback* it was late one night and you were walking back to the H.A after getting something to eat. As you walked back you were jumped by 3 level e's you froze not knowing what to do as your training wasn't complete. You fought but you knew you were going to lose as you left your weapons in your room because you thought level e's never are around the h.a . As you were losing and you fell on the floor in pain with scratches on your body and bruises some one came and cut their heads off with a sword and shot them with a pistol. You grew worried at the time and once you looked up you see Ichru standing  at your rescue. He picked your weak body up and took you home. On the way home y'all talked "thank you" you groaned in pain "no problem (y/n) Ichru said "how did you know my name?" You questioned "I know everything. Besides I've been watching over you." He smirked petting you. You jerked your head and squirmed in his hold "let go." You demanded "no I'm taking you home and leaving you there. I promise I wouldn't hurt the one I care about and been watching over. Just remember I'm always there to watch you (y/n)" he kissed your head and you blinked and somehow he vanished that quickly and you look up and see your home and your fellow hunters coming to help you. *end of Flashback* "well I say let him join, this shall be interesting" you said glaring knowing it's been years since you last saw Ichru. The headmaster said "welcome to the day class Ichru" he smiled at you and you rolled your eyes glaring at him and soon walked out. The gut feeling you had on something was coming... Something bad.. Well this was it... It was Ichru.

Well my lovely readers hoped you liked my update! 😍😍😍😍😍☺️😊😊😊😁😁✌🏼😇 comment vote and please let me know what you think. And read the changes I made back in the other chapters. I'm gonna make one big ending after all so I couldn't have you love zero or love kaname that's kinda too much work but I love you guys I would've done it but ehh idk... Anyways you'll like what I have enstored for you anyways. It will be one big ending but don't worry you'll choose your ending ❤️👀👀. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy.

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