"Bye Luke" Spencer said and smiled. Luke smiled back and waved before rushing out of the classroom and through the hallways, finally coming to the exit of the school.

He walked out and his eyes immediately landed on an orange sports car he had never seen before. The windows rolled down and Luke furrowed his eyebrows when seeing Ashton inside.

"Come on" Ashton said in a monotone voice and Luke hesitated before walking over and sliding into the new and unfamiliar car.

"Hi" Luke said quietly and smiled at Ashton. Ashton didn't even look at him as he mumbled a simple 'hello' in response.

"Is this your car?" Luke asked as he looked around in the glorious sports car.

"Mhm" Ashton answered simply and started to drive away from the school. Luke knew better than to start asking him further questions about it. This car may be Ashton's now, but it wasn't before. Luke knew he had never seen it before and he knew it was either stolen or illegally given to Ashton. It was probably pimped up by one of the guys in the gang or some friend of Ashton's, but Luke didn't point that knowledge out though.

"Why weren't you in school today?" Luke asked instead. Ashton looked out through the window by his side and made a u-turn.

"I had work to do" he answered simply.

"Okay" Luke answered quietly and looked down at his lap, "Are you mad at me?"

Ashton turned his head to look at Luke before looking back at the road again. "What? No, why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know," Luke shrugged, "it just feels like you are"

"I'm not mad at you," Ashton sighed and placed his hand on Luke's knee as he turned onto the road, "I just had a fucked up day today and I'm just really tired of everyone right now"

"Are you tired of me as well?" Luke mumbled in a question.

Ashton's grip on Luke's knee tightened and he shook his head, "I'm not tired of you. You're what keeps me awake" he spoke softly, still keeping his gaze on the road, driving fast.

Luke smiled as he looked at Ashton and then down to the hand on his knee. He placed his hand over Ashton's and intertwined their fingers. Ashton's fingers curled with Luke's and the younger boy smiled happily as he looked out the window, watching outer New York pass by.

Ashton soon exited the highway and turned into the familiar roads that lead to his home. The long and boring concrete road stretched out for miles it seemed, but Luke was okay with that because he felt content with being in this car alone with Ashton.

"Motherfucker" Ashton suddenly swore, making Luke whip his head around to look at Ashton. Ashton had his head turned to look at the left rearview mirror, watching another sports car approach. Ashton stopped his car and took his hand away from Luke's, gripping the steering wheel with two hands, making the knuckles go white from the pressure.

"Who is that?" Luke asked as the dark blue and yellow sports car pulled up beside Ashton's car.

"Be quiet, don't say a word to him, okay?" Ashton said and clenched his jaw as a man around his early twenties stepped out of the other car, approaching them with a wicked grin.

"Irwin! Long time no see, huh?" the man said and bent down to have his head by the window. Ashton just glared at him.

"Why so down Irwin, what got your panties in a twist?" he chuckled and Ashton gripped the steering wheel so tight, Luke almost feared it would break.

Ashton pursed his lips and breathed in and out through gritted teeth before turning his head and looking at the man with burning eyes. Luke sat quietly on the side and watched, fear creeping up on him as the tension grew.

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