24 // Knight in Shining Armor

Start from the beginning

With the extra time I had, I cleaned up around my room, then making up my bed, just in case someone were to come in while I wasn't here, or Sir Mark were to. Which I doubt very seriously, but you never know.

After that, I finally let my hair down, brushing it straightening it (I don't know how they did that, so let's just skip it), and sweeping it to the side. With my hair finally settled, I ran into my room, grabbing the dress and sliding it over my small-ish frame. I smoothed it out slightly, as it wasn't very wrinkled, but just enough to need to be smoothed out.

Walking back to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, readying myself to do my makeup. I wasn't the best at it, and I never really wore it that often, but I felt like it was needed tonight. I grabbed the eyeliner and did what looked like a cat eye on my eyelid, not too thick, but just thick enough to be noticed, and put on a little bit of mascara. Then, I put on the base and blush, again not making the blush so thick that it looked like I was eternally embarrassed about something, but just enough to give my cheeks a little color, and put in my heart-shaped crystal earrings before finally being done with my appearance.

I went to the window where I had talked to Sir Mark, looking toward the sky and noticing that the sun was setting and he was going to show up at any time. I let out a breath, feeling a rush of butterflies enter my stomach. I looked down towards my feet, soon realizing I had forgotten to put shoes on. I once again dashed to my room, pulling out the high heels that Mother had given me when she grew too old for them. I slipped them on, seeing they matched my dress and had a little bit of an open toe at the tip.

I walked back to the window again, hearing the trotting of a horse and seeing the High Knight himself on the back of his mighty steed, dressed in attire that made him look even more handsome. It was sort of a suit but looked more like something a Prince would wear without all of the dangly things and the tails in the back. Kind of like a.. tux, I think it was called.

I closed my window, checking to make sure I had everything before walking out of my cottage and standing outside the door. The warm summer air wrapped around my body, giving me a warm chill down my spine. My palms became slightly sweaty, but I quickly wiped it off on the bottom of my dress, calming myself a slight bit.

Sir Mark strode up to me, pulling his horse to a halt and climbing off to come and greet me. "You look absolutely stunning, Ms. Y/n."

"Thank you, Sir Mark." 

He smiled, then nodded to his horse. "We best get going." I nodded, a light heat going to my cheeks.

He walked gracefully to his horse, climbing atop the saddle with ease then extending his hand to me. I took it, feeling my feet leave the ground by being picked up and put in front of him on the horse. I wondered why he put me in front of him, but soon realized why as the horse's hind legs bucked at my sudden weight. I grabbed his neck, a fear of falling off overcoming my mind. Behind me, the Knight chuckled, his breath hitting the backside of my ear. I felt another shiver go down my spine at the feeling, a heavy blush painting my cheeks. "S-Sir-"

"Please, call me Mark."

"M-Mark, shouldn't we be going?" He chuckled once again before putting his arms around my waist and moving my hands to the reigns, while under his. With one quick jerk, the horse was speeding down the road, running quickly with Mark and I bouncing on the saddle. When we turned the corner, Mark's arms took a tighter a squeeze on my waist, keeping me on the saddle while his shoes kicked against the horse's stomach, telling it to speed up. The whole ride, my hands were under Mark's, him teaching me how to ride without even saying anything, and the cool wind blasting in my face, giving me a feeling of freedom.

We reached the Castle, sooner than I would've liked, and Mark and I got off his steed. Mark had to help me slightly, but once I got my balance, I laughed a little. I just thought it was quite funny that I almost fell on my face in front of the High Knight, and hearing him laugh along with me only made me smile more, as I found his laugh adorable.

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