Chapter 44

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Perrie POV

“Zayn! What the fuck was that?” I yell the second we get back into our dressing room and he shuts the door behind him.

“You saw what it was! He was being a bellend!” Zayn says, clutching his newly bruised hand.

“You can’t go around punching people for being bellends!” I say, “Why can’t you think Zayn? In public, in front of all those press people and all those big mouth celebrities and you attack someone. D’you know how this is gonna look?”

“I don’t care how it looks. If he disrespects you then I’m gonna hurt him,” Zayn says and he looks like he’s getting angry again.

“Next time don’t,” I say before getting some ice out of the drinks bucket next to the mirror.

“I’m sorry. It just annoys me, get’s me angry,” Zayn says as gently lift up his hand and place the ice softly over it.

“Ahh, that’s cold.”

“It’s ice, Zayn,” I say before the moving the ice and looking at his injured hand. That was definitely some punch. I think it’ll look bad on him that he punched Max but I’m quite flattered in a way. I can’t believe he defended me like that.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Zayn asks, noticing my gaze on him as I flashed back to the moment he punched Max.

“I love you, that’s all,” I say smiling up at him to see him smiling back.

“I love you too,” Zayn says before he is interrupted by a knock at the door. As I open the door it is pushed open roughly and Richard marches inside.

“What were you thinking?!” he shouts at Zayn, “I tell you to be careful because there are press about so you decide to punch someone? Not to mention someone from another band who could easily talk about it in every interview.”

“I know. I shouldn’t have reacted like that there but he disrespected Perrie,” Zayn tells him, keeping surprisingly calm considering how annoying Richard usually was.

“Well I think I’ve dealt with most of the press,” Richard says while looking down at Zayn’s swollen fist.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve paid them off. They won’t say anything hopefully. But Max might. Let’s just hope he’s a reasonable guy,” Richard says.

“He’s not,” I interject before Zayn can get a word in and lose his temper again.

“Well I don’t think you should aggravate the situation anymore. Why don’t you go home Zayn? I’ll get you a car, okay?” Richard says.

“Well I’m going with him,” I say, not allowing Zayn to basically be kicked out of a festival on his own.

“Ok. I’ll book you both a car,” Richard says before leaving the dressing room.

“Sorry for ruining your day,” Zayn says, he knew I was looking forward to today.

“You didn’t ruin it. It wasn’t your fault and if you weren’t there then I would’ve punched him for saying those things about you,” I tell him jokingly.

“I don’t think you would’ve caused as much damage babe,” Zayn says with a smile spreading across his face again.

“I don’t think you should be too sure,” I say before picking up my bags.

“Your not gonna get change?” Zayn asks, pointing out that I’m still wearing what I wore on stage.

“No, let’s just go,” I say and we leave the dressing room.

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