The New Year's Eve Party

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I quickly slid out of Oliver and I's bedroom, careful to be quiet as I shut the door behind me. Oliver was still asleep, and I wanted to do something nice for him, so I had decided to make him breakfast in bed. I walked across the living room to the kitchen and turned on the stove, pulling out the pans as well. 

"Morning," a voice called from the living room, only a few feet away. I jumped at the sound and whipped my head around to see who it was.

"Damn it, Professor. I nearly had a heart attack," I said, shaking my head as I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the butter, bacon, eggs, and coffee creamer. "Hungry? I'm making breakfast," I asked, placing everything onto the counter and moving one of the pans so that it was on the stove. I cracked a few of the eggs onto the pan and started to make the scrambled eggs, letting them sit for a moment as I put the bacon in another pan and watched as they begun to simmer.

"Yes, please. I'm the only one awake, I suppose. Tonks is still asleep," he said, walking over to one of the bar stools and sitting down. "I'm more of a morning person myself."

"I am too. Oliver always wants to stay up late, talk about our day, I suppose, but I can't stay up past a certain time or I'll be miserable the next day," I explained, moving the eggs around in the pan. "I wake up fairly early as well, I woke up a few hours ago, I just laid around reading that new book you got me. It's magnificent, thank you so  much for getting it for me."

"No problem. It was one of my favorites, I thought that you'd like it as well," he said as I poured the eggs onto three plates, one for me, Professor Lupin, and Oliver. 

"So, tell me about Tonks," I said, raising my eyebrow at him before I turned back to the bacon on the stove. 

"What about her?" He asked, confused. I rolled my eyes as I used the tongs to place a few bacon strips onto each plate. 

"You know what I mean, Professor," I answered, walking over to the pantry and grabbing some biscuits. I warmed them up a bit with a simple charm and grabbed the butter from the counter and the jam from the fridge. 

"She's a work colleague," he answered with a shrug, a sad glint in his eye. 

"A work colleague that you clearly fancy, and one who clearly fancies you back," I retorted, placing both butter and jam in two biscuits and placing them on Oliver and I's plates. "Butter and jam?" I asked, holding up the two to show him. 

"Sure." He answered, and I but them both on another biscuit, placing it on his plate. I walked around and threw the pans in the sink and cleaned up all of the ingredients before I cast a refilling charm on three mugs, so that they would fill with coffee. "She is quite pretty," he finally admitted as I set down his coffee mug and plate in front of him. 

"I'll be right back," I said, quickly grabbing a little tray and putting Oliver's plate, mug full of coffee, and one of the books that he was reading on it before carrying it over to our bedroom. I set it down on the night stand that was on Oliver's side of the bed before I leaned over his sleeping figure and pressed a few kisses to his cheek. He groaned and stirred a bit under the blankets, his eyes still shut, so I started massaging his shoulders. 

"Wake up, I made you some breakfast," I whispered, pressing a few kisses to his bare back and shoulders. 

"You did?" He asked in the cutest sleepy voice, rolling over to face me. I smiled, cupping his face and looking into his eyes.

"Yes, my darling, I did," I answered, pressing my lips to his forehead and helping him to sit up. 

"You're the best," he mumbled as I handed him the tray full of food. 

Selfish Bloke (An Oliver Wood Love Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara