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I woke up the next morning hardly knowing where I was, but smiling when I saw that I was spooning with Oliver, his arm wrapped protectively around me. My head was hurting a little from all the drinking I had done last night, and I was incredibly hungry. I slid out of bed and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me and crossing to the kitchen. I groaned as my headache intensified and pulled the orange juice out of the fridge, nearly dropping the jug when I heard Bill laugh. 

"You should see yourself," he chuckled, impersonating my sluggish walk. 

"Be nice, you're in my house," I answered, rubbing my temples. "Crap, I'm never drinking again."

"That's what Fleur said. You two were a piece of work last night, you know? Going on and on about how you were engaged to her and that you were planning your wedding," he laughed, making me giggle a bit as well. 

"Is she feeling alright?" I asked, plopping down on one of the big armchairs. 

"Eh, had a headache this morning. I came down to get her something to eat, actually," he answered, opening the fridge and looking around. 

"What a sweetheart," I teased, standing up and walking back over to my bedroom. "Tell her that her fiancee misses her," I joked before slipping into the bedroom and closing the door behind me. Oliver was still asleep, or at least looked like he was, so I snuggled back under the covers and buried my face in the pillow. 

"Feeling okay?" Oliver asked, turning around and pulling me towards him until we were spooning again. 

"My head hurts," I answered, turning in his arms and resting my head against his chest. 

"I'm sorry, darling," he said, running his hands up and down my back. 

"Sorry I was such a drunken mess last night," I whispered against his chest, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. 

"It was no problem, believe me," he comforted, holding me even closer to his chest. I opened my mouth to say something until I heard a pop, indicating that someone had apparated into the bedroom. I bolted into an upright position, glaring at Ginny and Hermione, who were both smirking at us. 

"Bloody irresponsible, the both of you, you don't have your licenses!" I scolded, crossing my arms and shaking my head. 

"Everyone else was over here, we were a little offended at the lack of our invite," Ginny teased, plopping down in bed next to me. 

"Get out of my bed," I whined, pushing her off of the edge and onto the floor, sending Hermione into a fit of giggles. "What's the real reason you two came over here?" I asked, crossing my legs and running my fingers through Oliver's short hair, since he was still laying down. 

"We wanted to talk wedding," Hermione stated simply. I groaned and sunk back down into the covers. 

"We already talked wedding, we already decided to go dress shopping next week, we got it covered," I replied. 

"Yes, but what about the flowers? Table decorations? Back yard set up? Color theme? Bridesmaid dress color and with the groomsmen's ties match?" Ginny listed, jumping back onto the bed. 

"Fine. What was the first one again?" I asked, laying back down, my back against Oliver's. 


"Mmm, flowers. Babe, what do you think?" I asked sleepily, pressing my foot up against his leg. 

"I dunno," Oliver muttered groggily, pulling the blankets up more. 

"What about red roses? Classic," I tried. 


"Red roses it is," Ginny answered, scribbling it down on the notepad. "Table decorations and back yard set up?"

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