Game Time

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"Katherine, wake up. You're slacking off, I'm supposed to be the lazy one who sleeps in all day, remember? And you're supposed to be the one that's bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning, which you're not, so get your butt up. It's kind of sad, really, I'm already dressed, teeth and hair brushed, makeup applied, I even wrote back to Fleur and Mrs. Weasley. Get yourself in gear, step up to the plate, stop slacking," I teased, softly shaking Katie's shoulder as I sat on her bed. It was all true, she was still asleep while I, surprisingly, had been getting things done. 

"It's a lost cause, I already tried," Amelia shouted from the bathroom. I shrugged and stood up from Katie's bed and walked out of the door and down to the common room. It was too early for everyone to be up and about, so I had decided to take a walk around the castle, it was so lovely to walk around it when it was early and no one was there, so serene and peaceful. I stepped out of the common room and walked up the stairs, not really heading to a specific place, merely following the path that the stairs had chosen. I wound up in the hallway where the Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts classrooms were, but I just continued down the hallway, gazing at all the portraits that lined the wall. A certain one caught my eye, a picture of a young girl, maybe age eleven, standing in what appeared to be in a garden. She seemed sad, clutching onto a book and looking off into the distance. She was dressed in a blue dress with darker blue trim, her blond curls tied with matching blue ribbons. Her eyes flickered down at me for a second before returning back to gazing out into the hallway.

"Are you alright?" I whispered, reaching up to touch the portrait as I heard a door open. I snapped my attention to the general area of where the noise came from, seeing Professor Lupin poking his head out from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 

"Maggie? What are you doing out here, are you aware that it's not even seven in the morning yet? I know you're not exactly a morning person, is everything alright?" He asked, motioning for me to come inside the classroom. I walked over to the room, watching as he shut the door after us. 

"Everything's alright, I just woke up early and wanted to walk around," I answered, shrugging.

"Alright. Well, how do you feel about a cup of tea?" He asked, walking over to the small staircase at the front of the room that led to his office. 

"Sounds great," I answered, following him and sitting in the large, red velvet chair that sat across from his desk. He poured us both a cup of tea and sat down himself as I moved my legs so that I was sitting Indian style on the chair. "So, tell me what happened with you and Tonks after that one morning."

He nearly choked on his tea, coughing a bit. 

"Pardon me? I hardly think that's any of your business," he answered, shaking his head.

"It happened in my house, it's absolutely my business," I quipped, taking a sip of my tea after I said it.

"See, this is why I like you, Maggie. You have a certain spunk about you."

"So I've been told. Now, stop trying to distract me from the point, what happened with you and Tonks?" I asked.

"Nothing really. I never told her anything that I had told you, we just went on in our awkward limbo stage," he answered, looking down at his desk and shrugging.

"Professor! It's so obvious she likes you, you don't exactly have anything to lose! Remember that one night at dinner when she was talking about werewolf rights over the holidays? She might as well've been wearing a jumper that says 'I love Remus, but he's too chicken to make the first move'," I huffed, leaning back in the seat. He sort of chuckled before picking up his mug and taking another sip. 

"There's the spunk I was talking about," he said, causing me to roll my eyes. "I suppose you're right."

"Because I am right," I huffed, taking a sip of my tea as well.

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