What Had Happened

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I woke up with a start, the bright lights bouncing off the off white walls nearly blinding me. I couldn't see; my vision was cloudy and I could barely make out the lines of a single ceiling tile. I tried to move my head to the side, but it felt as if it weighed about four times of what it actually did. I tried to talk, or even make a simple sound, but nothing came out, it felt as if something was in my throat. 

"Shhh, Maggie, dear. Everything's alright, don't move," the familiar, shrill voice of Madam Pompfrey instructed. I calmed down a little bit, I knew that she would have everything in control. My eyes had adjusted a little bit more to the light, so I was able to see multiple faces looking down at me. "Stay still, I need to take the tube out of your throat. Mr. Wood, will you hold her chin still for me?" Madam Pomfrey asked, moving over to the side of my bed up close by my head. As soon as she said that, I felt the tube, which was very much like the tubes that go down people's throats at Muggle hospitals. I could feel it resting against the right side of my lip, I felt the gauze/ tape stuff holding it in place, I could practically feel it in my throat. 

I felt a hand gently grip my chin and another go onto my forehead, gently smoothing my hair back. Oliver's face came into view, an expression that was both worried and happy, and I managed to lift my hand to the one that was on my forehead, weakly gripping it. He looked down at my hand on his and smiled, bringing it to his lips and pressing a quick kiss to it. Madam Pomfrey started yanking at the tube, slowly sliding it out, nearly causing me to gag. When the tube was completely out of my throat, I started coughing nonstop, each cough racking my whole body. Madam Pomfrey rushed over to me with a glass of water, which Oliver helped me raise to my incredibly chapped lips and drink. When I had finished, I finally took a look around the room, I was in the actual room at the infirmary, and examined everything that I saw. The bedside table to my left and the table at the left hand corner of the room, opposite the bedside table, were filled, no, overflowing with gift baskets, candy, stuffed animals, and flowers. The chairs around the room were just as filled, with Professors Dumbledore and McGonagoll, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Ron, Oliver, Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Hagrid, and Katie. 

"What h-happened?" I croaked out, adjusting myself in the small bed. 

"Could everyone else vacate the room momentarily? I expect that this will be quite a shock to Ms. Smallwood, and I suspect that Professor McGonagoll and I will explain it to her best," Professor Dumbledore instructed, turning to everyone else. Slowly, everyone else stood up and walked towards the door. I reached out and grabbed Oliver's hand, pulling him back to me. He looked at me, confused, for a second, arching an eyebrow. 

"Stay, please," I whispered, since my throat was somewhat raw, patting a spot on the bed next to me. He walked back over and sat down, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.

"Ms. Smallwood, I expect that you know about the Chamber of Secrets," Professor McGonagoll asked, to which I nodded. "Very well then. This story is quite confusing, so please stop me if you have any questions. It all started when you went school supply shopping with the Weasleys, with Ginny Weasley to be exact. At Flourish and Blotts, we believe it was there anyways, Lucious Malfoy snuck the diary of a young man named Tom Riddle into the cauldron that was holding all of Ginny's books. Neither of you were aware of it at the time, you couldn't have stopped it, believe me. Ginny started writing in the diary, seeing that the memory of Mr. Riddle would write back to her. The more that they talked, the more that the diary pulled Ginny under a sort of trance. Ginny was the one, under the diary's influence, who wrote on the walls in blood. Now, the owner of the diary, Mr. Riddle, was a descendant of Slytherin, so when the memory of him came back to the school, the chamber was able to be opened. Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets, which released the basilisk that lied within. The basilisk has petrified multiple students, although you were the first. You, along with Mrs. Norris, saw the basilisk through the reflection of the water on the ground, which is why you were petrified, not killed. The-"

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