Back Again

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Platform 9 3/4 was as it always was the morning that students were set to return from the winter holidays; crazy busy and loud. There was shouts of goodbyes and reminders to write home, excited yells as friends would greet each other, and eager squawking of owls echoing off of the walls as we made our way to the side of the train and put away our trunks in the bottom compartments.

"Bye, Maggie," Mrs. Wood said, a small tear in her eye, as she rushed forward to wrap me in a hug. I chuckled and hugged her back, smiling wide.

"Wow, mum. I love you too," Oliver muttered sarcastically before saying goodbye to his dad.

"Bye, Maggie," Mr. Wood said with a smile as he hugged me as well.

"Goodbye, thank you both so much for letting me stay over. The party was lovely," I said, smiling at them and waving goodbye before I walked over to meet the Weasleys.

"Maggie!" Mrs. Weasley shouted before hugging me tightly. I laughed and hugged her, as well as Mr. Weasley.

"I missed you all," I said, reaching over to hug the twins, who pushed me away jokingly.

"Maggie!" Bill called, running up to me and hugging me tightly.

"Oh, Billy!" I shouted, hugging him tightly as well. "Did you drink all our alcohol? That was a big concern to us," I asked sternly.

"Remus, Tonks, Fleur, and I all finished off that Elf-Made wine, but other than that, no," he answered as I reached over and hugged Fleur.

"Write me, alright?" I asked, smiling as she nodded.

"Bye, Maggie. Have a fantastic end of term," Tonks said from her spot next to Lupin, reaching forward to hug me.

"Oh, thank you. Write me, okay? I love talking to you," I said, smiling again when she agreed.

"Maggie, how was the rest of your holidays?" Professor Lupin asked.

"It was really great," I answered, smiling as I saw Oliver greeting all of the Weasleys. "I think we best be off to the train."

"Alright, please write me when you get there," Mrs. Weasley said, patting my shoulder as I turned to walk to the train.

"Me too!" Bill called, waving as I left. I waved back to them all as Oliver and I boarded the train and walked to the Prefect's compartment. I slung my carry on bag with my uniform over my shoulder as we walked into the nearly full compartment.

"Is everyone here?" I asked, counting all of the people quickly. "Yeah, everyone's here. Once the train gets moving, we'll all go and change," I explained, sitting in the seat in between Oliver and a fifth year Ravenclaw girl.


The Welcome Banquet was as cheerful as always, but it was somewhat sad to me, since it was one of the last banquets that I would have at Hogwarts. As Oliver and I lead everyone back up to the common room, it really hit me that I'd have to leave the place that I considered a home, a sort of safe haven, in a few short months. Of course the idea of that excited me beyond belief, I would be able to work and be a grown up and have all these fantastic experiences, but on the other hand, it made me want to cry. I had made so many amazing friends in both the students and professors here, and I really didn't want to leave.

"Maggie? You alright?" Oliver asked, looking down at me and breaking me out of my thoughts. I noticed that we were already in the common room and aside from a few first years on the couch, we were the only ones in there.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered, turning to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before smiling up at him.

Selfish Bloke (An Oliver Wood Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें