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Waking up the next morning in the arms of the man I love was one of  the best feelings I'd ever had. I had never been that intimate with someone before, and I was proud to say that my future husband was the first and only man that I'd made love to. I looked up towards Oliver's face, seeing his eyes shut still and soft snores coming through his lips. I smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek before slowly working my way out of his arms and across the room. I slipped into a bra and underwear, throwing on one of Oliver's flannel shirts that went about halfway down my thigh before I padded out into the kitchen. My legs were still slightly sore from the uh, activity, that  had gone on the previous night, so rather than standing and making breakfast, I just waved my wand and made two plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with butter and jelly on it. I poured two glasses of orange juice as well, nearly spilling the entire jug when I felt a pair of hands go to my hips. 

"Hey, it's just me," Oliver soothed, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder, his cheek against mine. "You look extremely sexy in my clothes, you know that?" 

"I love you," I answered, turning in his arms and burying my face in his bare chest. 

"I love you too," he said, holding me close in his warm embrace. I let my hands slip to his sweatpant-clad bum, hearing him chuckle. "Gosh, get off of me, you pervert," he teased, trying to wiggle out of my grasp. 

"Ungrateful beast," I teased, turning around and grabbing one of the plates and sliding it towards him. "We have a lunch at the Burrow today, don't forget."

"Reckon Mrs. Weasley's gonna want to start planning the wedding?" He asked through a mouthful of eggs. 

"Most likely. She'll have me in wedding dresses in no time," I snorted, sitting at the dining room table next to him and resting my hand on his thigh. 

"When should we have it?" He asked, looking over at me through the corner of his eyes. "Should it be a big wedding?"

"Not too huge, I don't have anyone to invite from my family, so anyone from your side, the Weasleys, friends from school, a professor or a couple of them, maybe some of the Weasleys Auror friends," I answered, counting off on my fingers. "I want to have it within the summer, soon," I finished with a smile. 

"I think that's a brilliant idea," he answered, cupping my cheek and kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss and opened my mouth when I felt his tongue, swinging my legs on the side of the chair that was closest to him and standing up, which he did as well. He placed his hands on my inner thighs, gently squeezing them and moving away when I let out a small gasp. 

"Sorry, I-I'm a little...uh, sore," I muttered out, slightly embarrassed until I saw the gigantic grin grow on his face. 

"Am I just that good?" He teased, letting a few giggles out. 

"Shut up," I answered, reconnecting our lips together. 

"You're so sexy, especially when you're sore," he taunted, laughing against my lips. 

"Hush," I replied, moving my lips to his neck and softly sucking on each spot. 

"Mmmm, you really are quite sexy, you know?"

"Round two?" I whispered, moving my lips to the other side of his neck and my fingers running through his hair. 

"I love you," he answered, lifting me up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist. I moved my lips to his as he opened the bedroom door again and dropped us both back onto the bed. 


We both collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily from what we had just done and covered in sweat. Despite both of us being covered in sweat, we moved back together; my head on his chest, our legs intertwined, clutching tightly to each other with the blankets drawn up covering our chests. 

Selfish Bloke (An Oliver Wood Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin