Here We Go Again

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The rest of my summer flew by, in what seemed like two seconds. I spent everyday just hanging out at the Burrow with my adoptive siblings, visiting my cottage at least once a week. I started to stock it with a few things that we'd need, soap for the dishes, laundry detergent, towels, things like that. Ginny and I spent a few nights over there, just to get a feel for the cottage, which was already feeling like home to me. 

"Mags, our letters are here, get out of bed," Fred called from the kitchen. I sprang up out of bed, running to the kitchen to grab my letter. I slid into the chair next to Mr. Weasley and eagerly ripped open my letter when Fred handed it to me. Of course, there was the usual supply list, but my letter had an extra piece of paper in it. I looked down at it for a second before opening it as well.

Ms. Smallwood,

We are pleased to inform you that due to your academic success, Quidditch success, character, and Professor reviews, you have been chosen to be the Head Girl for this school year. The Head Girl's duties include managing the rest of the Prefects, along with the Head Boy. You will have to ride in the Prefect's carriage to further discuss the duties of a Prefect with the newly appointed Prefects. Thank you for striving for excellence, we'll see you at the start of term on September 1st. 


Minerva McGonagoll

I smiled as I read it, handing the letter over silently to Mr. Weasley as I took a bite of my breakfast. It took him a few seconds to react, but he finally let out a big yell before jumping up to show Mrs. Weasley the letter as well. 

"Maggie's head girl!" He yelled, hugging me from behind. I smiled, my cheeks heating up as everyone started clapping for me. "So proud of you, dear!" He yelled once more, kissing my cheek. 

"Congratulations Maggie! How about we get you a new set of robes today at Diagon Alley?" Mrs. Weasley asked, coming over and patting my shoulder. 

"Oh, you don't have to. I certainly have enough," I answered, turning in my chair to face her. 

"Are you sure?" She asked, her hands on her hips. 

"Positive," I answered, nodding. 

"Well, alright. But you have to let me help to buy your dress for the Achiever's Gala this year, you'll be invited since you're Head Girl," she explained, coming over to the table to sit across from me. I hadn't even thought of the Achiever's Gala, which was a sort of ball and dinner for students, who were seventh years, that showed either academic excellence, were Captains of the Quidditch team, played on the Quidditch team for at least three years, were a Prefect, or were Head Boy/Girl.

"Alright, I'll let you pay for a small portion of the price," I agreed reluctantly. "Are we leaving for Diagon Alley soon?" I asked, standing up and pushing my chair in. 

"Yes, everyone, be ready in about twenty minutes," Mrs. Weasley answered, shooing all of us children out of the dining room area and to our rooms to get ready. 

"Congratulations on getting Head Girl, Maggie," Ginny said as we walked into our room. 

"Aw, thanks Gin, means a lot," I answered, closing the door behind us and opening up my trunk to pick out an outfit to wear for the day. 

"Alright, I hear that it's quite nippy outside, so dress warm, alright?" I asked, pulling out a pair of black leggings, a somewhat loose and long grey jumper, a white tank top (so that I could layer up), a plum colored scarf, and my black boots (the picture above, minus the little patches on the elbows). 

"Maggie?" Ginny asked as I pulled my pajama shirt off, replacing it with the white tank top and the grey jumper. 

"Yeah?" I asked, pulling on my leggings and boots as well. 

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