And Off We Go

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"Maggie, Katie, time to wake up," Amelia whispered, standing on Katie's bed and leaning over the rail to tap my shoulder to wake me up, nudging Katie with her foot to wake her up. I sat up with a yawn, looking over at the alarm clock to see that I had around twenty minutes to get ready. I sat on top of the rail, jumping down to the ground and walking to the dresser. 

"Amelia, do you need help getting to your first class today? I'm booked solid, I have class after class after class today, but I can definitely walk you to your first one if need be," I said, pulling out a pair of shorts to wear to breakfast and on the walk to practice. 

"Yeah, actually. Could you walk me to History of Magic? I have it at ten o' clock," she answered, changing out of her pajamas as well. I slid my shorts on, pulled out all the textbooks that I'd need for today (Alchemy, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts), some parchment, a quill, and some ink, and threw it all into my little satchel-like bag. 

"Yeah, but I can only do that if you sit through practice. I'm leaving about ten minutes before ten, and our classrooms are right down the hall from each other," I explained, walking to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, pulled my hair back in a loose ponytail, and swiped on a bit of makeup quickly before walking down to the common room with Amelia. 

"So, what's the deal with Oliver?" Amelia asked as we walked into the common room. 

"He's my boyfriend, I told you," I answered, giving her a confused look.

"I know, but what's the after graduation situation?" She asked as we started walking down the stairs. I knew that Katie or one of the twins must've put her up to asking me this, but I shook it off.

"We're going to live in this little cottage that my parents gave me," I answered, staring straight ahead. It was sort of awkward telling her all of this, we had not even known each other for a day, but here I was, spilling information about Oliver and I to her. 

"You two are an adorable couple," she said, smiling up at me once we walked onto the ground floor. I smiled, looking down at my feet bashfully. 

"I agree," a familiar Scottish accent rang out, kissing my cheek as we walked into the Great Hall. He placed his hand on the small of my back, which made me smile even more. 

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his nose on my cheek as he leaned down to kiss my cheek again. 

"You're not too bad yourself," I joked, grabbing his hand and walking over to our spot at the table with him. I sat down, sandwiched between Amelia and him, and poured myself a small portion of cereal. I felt Oliver place his warm hand about halfway between my thigh and my knee, my heart pounding. Gosh, I love how he could do that; make my heart pound with just a single glance at me or even if our shoulders brushed as we walked down the hallway. 

I ate my cereal silently, listening to all the conversations going on around me.  I looked over to Amelia, who wasn't talking either, and tapped her shoulder. 

"What classes do you have today?" I asked, looking over at her. 

"History of Magic and Potions," she answered, taking a bite of her cereal.

"History of Magic was quite difficult for me to understand first year, since I didn't grow up in this world, if you need any help, I'm here for you," I said, patting her shoulder and smiling down at her. 

"Thanks," she said, smiling back and nodding. 

"Hey, love. We're heading out to the pitch, do you want to come?" Oliver asked, moving his hand from my leg to my shoulder and looking down at me. 

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