The Build Up

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"Margaret, this is the last day this year that I'll have to drag your sorry ass out of bed for practice," Katie practically sang, throwing a pillow at me to wake me  up. I sat up, throwing the pillow back at her before hopping out of bed and grabbing a tee shirt and pair of shorts from my trunk.

"Hermione was here this morning to pick out some clothes, I told her to pick whatever she wanted from your trunk," Katie said as she started brushing her teeth. I pulled my tee shirt over my head and laughed a bit. 

"Great to know that you guard my things with your life," I snorted, sliding on my shorts before heading over to bathroom and standing at the sink next to Katie's sink. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a side braid, brushed my teeth, and put on a little bit of makeup.

"I already booked the pitch for next year, it's the slot after breakfast," I sad, quite proud of myself. 

"Good, I can't do another year of 7 o' clock practices," Katie whined as we headed down the stairs to the common room. 

"Good morning, beautiful!" Fred called out to Katie, who in turn ran up and hugged him. 

"Gross," I muttered to George, who nodded. 

"Are things any better with you and Angelina?" I asked as George and I walked through the door to the common room. He shrugged. 

"We're talking to each other now, which is a step in the right direction," George said, a sad look on his face. 

"If you don't mine my asking, what happened?" I asked as we started walking down the path that led to the Quidditch pitch. 

"We just haven't been seeing each other as much as we'd like because of the O.W.L.s and studying and all that, so when we do see each other, it's the smallest thing that'll tip the other person off, so we decided to take a break for a bit," George explained, I nodded in return and we walked the rest of the way to the pitch in silence. Katie and I walked over to the girl's locker room and started changing. 

"How long have you and Fred been dating?" I asked, sliding my Quidditch shirt on.

"Nearly 5 months," She answered, smiling wide. 

"You two are adorable together," I said, sliding on my Quidditch pants and boots.

"When are you and Oliver going to wise up and get back together? I mean, you both flirt with each other often and not caring when other people look, he stuck with you when you were in the infirmary, it's obvious that you two are made for each other," Katie asked, causing me to blush. 

"I dunno. I'm quite happy with what we have right now, we chat more and were pretty good friends. I think that maybe we were just meant to be friends, that's all," I finished, buttoning my uniform cloak, grabbing my broom, and running out to the pitch before Katie could answer. The only other people out on the pitch were Angelina, George, Fred, and Oliver. 

"What's the plan for today, co-captain?" I asked, walking over to where Oliver was. 

"Just some drills basically," he said with a shrug. 

"Sounds good," I said as everyone else ran out onto the pitch.

"Good morning everyone, let's start off with some simple Quaffle passing drills, so Chasers, go a head and get up there," Oliver called out. 


It was only half way through the practice, and everyone was already absolutely exhausted, Oliver was running us so hard that I was surprised no one had fainted yet. 

"Okay, do that drill, but three more times!" Oliver yelled, causing everyone to groan. I flew down to the ground where Oliver was standing, storming over to him. 

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