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The day my sweet John was born started with a bang (due to him being born in the wee hours of the morning) and then went by rather sleepily. Once we cleaned him up and wrapped him in a small, fuzzy blue blanket that Oliver's parents had given us and I had gotten cleaned up and bathed as well, Oliver and I got to show him off to the crowd of Weasleys, Woods, and friends that had gathered to see the new member of the family. Once everyone had seen John, greeted us, and gone back home, Oliver and I finally had some time alone after what felt like years. Oliver and I were both sitting on my bed, him with his back up against the wall and one of his arms holding John, and his other hand wrapped around my shoulder, my cheek against his chest as we both looked at our sweet baby in awe.

"Maggie?" He whispered, careful not to wake up John.

"Hm?" I hummed, tucking John's blanket slightly more snug on him so he wouldn't be cold.

"I want you to move back in with me," he whispered. "I'm so sorry, for everything. I need you back with me."

"Okay," I answered, nodding against his chest. "I will. I miss us together."

"I love you," he whispered as he pressed a kiss against my hair. "You're the strongest person I know, especially after today."

"All I could think about with each contraction was how we're never having sex again," I joked, earning a chuckle from him.

"And your opinion on that has changed, right?" He asked jokingly.

"Of course," I answered. "I mean, look how perfect John is, all that labor and pain was completely worth it to see this sweet face," I whispered. "Let me hold my boy."

"Alright, alright," Oliver complained, settling John in my arms and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. I let one of my fingers wander onto John's head, my finger sliding down the small slope of his nose.

"He has your nose," I murmured. "Your hair too."

"He has your eyes," Oliver mentioned, gently taking ahold of my chin and turning my face so that I was facing him. "Your beautiful eyes."

I smiled and pushed my face forward, joining my lips against his warm ones. His hand reached up and cupped my cheek, a slight blush growing in my cheeks. Almost right as we were about to deepen the kiss, the door opened up, revealing George and Ginny. Oliver coughed and the two of us returned to our sitting positions, John making a small cooing noise as he stirred in his sleep.

"Mum's making lunch, she wanted to know if you'd want any," George asked.

"Sure, but I think we're going to start heading home afterwards," I answered. "Hold him, George," I asked, passing John over to George so that I could stand up.

"Lemme help you," Oliver said, standing up and taking my hands in his own, helping me stand up fully and then wrapping an arm around my waist, his opposite hand holding mine that was closer to his for support. The four of us wandered down the hallway heading for the kitchen, earning a surprised gasp from Mrs. Weasley once she saw me.

"Margaret! Sit down! You aren't supposed to be up and about!" She gasped, moving me from Oliver's arms into her own and helping me into a chair.

"Nonsense, I'm perfectly fine," I scoffed, plucking John up from George's arms.

"Perfectly fine, you gave birth mere hours ago," she answered, a stern tone in her voice. Bill and Fleur walked into the room from the living room, Fleur settling in a chair across from me and Bill next to me.

"Oi, George, reckon you could come over and help me set up the crib? We didn't expect this little guy to come so early, we've barely got the nursery set up," Oliver asked, watching as George nodded before walking with him over to the living room to get Fred as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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