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"Good class today, everyone. Remember, your homework for tonight is a foot long essay on the three Unforgivable Curses, due on my desk at the beginning of class tomorrow. Good luck at the Quidditch match later today, Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs," Professor Lupin shouted across the classroom, waving to students as they began to exit the classroom. "And good luck to my favorite seeker," he finished quietly as he walked past my desk. I smiled and started packing up my things, along with Oliver, and started walking out of the classroom behind him. 

It had been a few weeks since we had gone dress and suit shopping, and the weeks had passed by rather bland and uneventful. The only shining hope that I had for the rest of the term up until the holidays was Quidditch, like the match today, and the Gala, which was in two days from now. 

"Hey, love, let's go," Oliver called as he started walking over to the door, snapping me out of my daydream. I slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking out of the class room with Oliver. It was just about time for lunch, so we were heading down to the Great Hall. 

"Just what we need before a match, yeah? More homework," Oliver joked as we walked over to the grand staircase, slowly and leisurely, in absolutely no rush to get to lunch. 

"No kidding, I'll probably be doing mine during lunch today, we have Potions today, so we won't have any time to finish it up along with the homework we'll have from Potions, since there's an hour between class and the match," I explained, reaching over and tracing my fingers in slow circles on his back. 

"Ugh, I forgot about having potions today. That'll be fun," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as well. 

"I heard that it's going to be a lecture, that'll be soo much fun," I agreed, in an equally sarcastic manner. 

"You look really pretty today," he said out of nowhere, brushing some of my hair behind my ear. 

"You're lovely," I answered, blushing and kissing his cheek. "You're too sweet."

"Just telling you the truth," he smirked, reaching over to hold my hand. We walked the rest of the way to the Great Hall in silence, not an awkward silence at all. 

"Hey Mags!" Fred yelled once we walked into the Great Hall. George scooped me up in his arms, running with me all the way to the section of the Gryffindor table where all of our friends were sitting, dropping me onto the bench when we got there. I groaned and stuck my tongue out at him as I grabbed a chicken salad sandwich, plopping it on my plate as Oliver walked over to the table and slid into the spot next to me. I took a bite out of my sandwich, using my other hand to take out my Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink, laying them out on the empty part of the table next to me. It was actually surprising that the table wasn't as crowded as it normally is, I guess people were just swamped with studying and homework, things like that. I started writing and writing, having no problems at all with writing the paper. I was always a strong writer, and this was a subject that I excelled at, so when I finished, I was proud of the paper that I'd written and confident that it would get good marks.

I looked up from my paper when I was finished writing, seeing that everyone was still chattering away and laughing. I looked over at Oliver, at my wonderful boyfriend, and couldn't help but let a goofy smile stretch across my face. He was so perfect, he was caring, passionate, handsome, and just a wonderful person. He was always giving me sweet little compliments, he never got mean or hostile, and he cared for me so much. He was the most wonderful, perfect guy that I could ever ask for, and I don't know what I did to be lucky enough to love him.

"What are ya looking at?" Oliver teased, I guess he had noticed me looking over at him with that goofy grin on my face.

"Oh, nothing," I answered, propping my chin up on my hand. 

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