The Aftermath

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It had been a week since I walked in on Oliver and Alicia, and I have to admit, it was the worst week I've ever experienced. I only left my room for breakfast, dinner, and all my classes. I rarely skipped practice, only showing up late mostly. Today we had an early practice that started at seven and a game later today after dinner. I rolled up out of bed at seven o' clock, the exact time practice was to start, brushing my hair and teeth, and headed down to the pitch in my pajamas. I walked slowly down the path that led from the castle to the pitch. I walked through the locker room and slowly pulled my uniform on, grabbed my broom, and walked out onto the pitch. 

"Maggie, locker room! Now!" Wood yelled from across the pitch. I turned on my heel, walked back to the locker room, and sat down in a desk in the little classroom area. 

"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you? You need to respect me as a Captain enough to come to practice when I ask you to!" He yelled once he got over. I scoffed.

"Maybe you should've respected me more as a girlfriend to not try and sleep with some other girl," I said under my breath.

"Let it go, Maggie! I was drunk, and I was all for making it work, but you didn't want to," he said, softening his voice at the end. I rolled my eyes.

"If you walked in on me and some guy making out on my bed? What would you do?" I hissed.

"I would try to make it work, I would forgive you and be open minded!" He yelled.

"Bull!" I yelled.

"No, not bull! I was ready to spend the rest of my damn life with you!" He yelled back.

"Well you sure have some great way of showing it! Why don't I go sleep with another guy to show you how much I want to spend my life with you!" I yelled sarcastically. 

"Oh, knock it! I've apologized a million times, what more do you want me to do?" He yelled. 

"You've done quite enough already, don't you think? You told me that you loved me. Me, not Alicia. You told me that you loved me, and then you go and try to sleep with her! And I had told you earlier that night to not drink a lot because I know you're such a light weight! But you did anyways!" I screamed, standing up. My face was getting red and I could feel the tears threatening to spill over my eyes. 

"And I still do love you, if you'd stop being so damn stubborn you'd realize!" 

"Oh, I'm being stubborn because I'm not quick to forgive you cheating on me?" I yelled back sarcastically. 

"Yes, because you don't realize what we have! We're meant for each other, Maggie. Wake up and smell the damn roses!" He yelled, a bit quietly this time, taking a step towards me. 

"We're obviously not, if we were, you wouldn't feel the need to go to some other girl for love!" I screamed, putting my hands on his chest and pushing him away from me.

"I was drunk! How many times can I say that? Look, Maggie, I'm sorry. You just have to understand that I didn't do it intentionally to hurt your feelings," He said, yelling at first and moving his voice to practically a whisper at the end. 

"But you did it. I can't move past the fact that you actually did that, I can't trust you anymore. You ruined what we had!" I yelled, tears streaking down my face. Upon seeing this, he moved closer. I pushed him away again.

"Get away from me. And stop chewing me out for being late, it's not like I've ever let you down," I grunted, pushing past him to get out on the pitch. 

"Maggie! I'm so sorry, okay! I don't know what I can do to make this any better, especially if you don't even look my way half the time!" He yelled, following me out to the pitch. I rolled my eyes and picked up my broom from the edge of the pitch where it was.

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