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He Often Thought The Night Sky Was More Richly Coloured Than The DayLight


I was waiting for Kim at the mall, with a purse full of money when I finally saw her coming towards me.

"Hi!" She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Hey! Let's start with some clothes." I suggested and she nodded.

"How about TopShop?"

"I was thinking of starting with Zara but it's okay, it can be our next shop." I didn't hate TopShop, but I didn't usually find anything that suits me there. Zara was more me.

We agreed that each one will pick whatever she likes , then we will meet in the dressing rooms in 10. I went to the dresses section since I didn't have so many dresses, but all I found was tight and mid-thigh length ones. I went to another rack and they were all the same, until this dress caught my eyes. It was red, not tight and just above the knees. It came with this baby blue necklace, that you could wear it as a collar. It was suitable for both work and casual outings.

I went to the dressing rooms with the dress in my hand, waiting for Kim. She joined about two minutes later with what looked like the whole store in her hands.

"You'll buy all of this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'll just try them and get the best ones. Duh." We both entered our dressing rooms to try what we had . I dressed into the red dress and looked in the mirror. Wow, I actually looked beautiful in it. I went out and showed it to Kim.

"What do you think?" I asked her, doing a spin with the dress.

"You look so beautiful! Oh my god Evie, I'm jealous."

"Yeah right. You can be a Victoria secret model, so shut up." I entered again inside to change then we headed outside to pay. We went to Zara and this time I was the one who almost bought the whole store and she just picked some pair of jeans and a tank top. We picked this mexican restaurant and oh wow the food was fucking delicious.

We talked about our boyfriends and apparently Niall turned out to be sweeter than I thought. After we were finished with our day, she drove me home. Once I reached my apartment, I called Tyler. He told me all about this patient with the strangest kind of depression. When I asked him about the details he didn't want to tell me and the reason as he said was 'he's a friend to his patients and the policy of his job is to keep their secrets.'

I watched some random stuff on tv and when I got bored I decided to go to a bookstore. The smell of fresh books engulfed my nostrils and I headed to the paranormal and horror section. I found forbidden love and horror stories really amusing. I got lost in the story and it always touched me somehow.

I picked 3 books with the titles: Devilish, Forgotten Story, and Tick-Tock. I headed to the cashier and while I was paying I had a feeling that someone was standing too close, I could feel their breath tickling me from behind.

"Meet me in the corner of this street after you pay." A male's voice whispered in my ear then left. The voice was not familiar at all, but I was sure it had to do with Erik and his gang. I took the change and mumbled a thank you then went outside. I stood by the corner and a guy approached me from behind.

"What do you want?" I asked the blonde guy. He was around 20.

"What do you know?"

"Why do you all think I know something?" I let out a deep sigh. "If this is about Harry, I don't even know the man that well."

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