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If you haven't already made me what I am, you've made me what I'll be.


I opened my eyes slightly to take in the room I was in, which wasn't my bedroom at all. Then I remembered what happened, I got kidnapped. I made an assumption that ropes will be trapping me, but I was totally free in the room. Well, except for the creepy guy who was sitting in front of me.

"Hello, darling." He greeted me

"Where am I? Where's Harry?" These were the questions that first came in mind.

"You are safe, don't worry and Harry is in another room."

"Who are you and what do you want?" I started to sound rude, which was totally fine since I was talking to my freaking kidnapper.

"My name is Erik and I just want to ask you a few questions, Evangeline." And he knew my name. Wow.

"Ask them, then let me go." I ordered and he smirked.

"What did Harry tell you about the L.H.M?" He sounded serious this time.

"The what?" I really had no idea about the.. Whatever he called.

"Don't act stupid!" He shouted and I was taken back by his sudden anger. If he shouted one more time, I could annoy the hell out of him.

"I'm not acting anything! I barely know Harry anyway."

"Then how you are always seen with him?" Destiny, dickhead.

"We have a mutual friend."

"Louis?" How did he know? What the hell?

"How did-"

"We know more than you think" he cut me off and I started to think that he was part of the threat calls.

"These days Harry is around me because he knows that you'll hurt me. He always says that you think I know something while I know nothing." I told him the truth, which won't benefit him anyway.

"How did he know that we'll hurt you? We just told him-" he stopped himself. They knew Harry?

"Told him what?" I asked, standing up.

"None of your business. Now answer my question." He stood up too. Wow he was even wider than Harry.

"Because some assholes are sending me death threats." I glared, knowing he was one of those assholes.

"Watch it Evangeline!" He warned.

"So you did send threats." I stated and he went to open the door.

"I'm glad Harry didn't tell you anything, but don't think we'll leave you alone. I'm not sure yet." He said pointing towards the door for me to go out, but I wanted to annoy him a little to get back at him for kidnapping me.

"Why? I was enjoying your company, Erik." I kept my smirk on.

"Get out." He demanded.

"Someone's grumpy. I wanted to know about you more. We could be friends!"

"You are so annoying!" He groaned and I took a step towards him.

"You don't want us to be friends? At least tell me your last name? Your age? Your favourite colour?" I put a hand on his shoulder and the other on my hip, making this funny face.

"If I tell you, you'll get the fuck out of here?" He asked, annoyed.


"My name is Erik Lanter. I'm 35. My favourite colour is grey." He answered all of my questions through gritted teeth.

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