Fiery Blue

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"For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice, and to make an end is to make a beginning." – T.S. Eliot

The sun shined bright over the foot of the mountain as the breeze blew down on them; the birds chirped in the distance as much as they could hear the faint shout of falls nearby. In rows, teens stood in front in the centre of the quadrangle with eyes focused on the tall lady with fiery red eyes that slowly approached the podium.

A row of teachers greeted them in front; all of them from different clans and characters, but out of all of them, one stood out. The teens could smell her blood as much as she wore bright red jog pants and jacket with three black stripes; she was not one of them, which made most, but not all, of them wonder what she was doing them.

Whispers quietly erupted amongst the crowd that ranged from jests to jeers that merely raised the brows of the teachers in front; the one they spoke of in particular only gave a bright smile that did not speak of much of a threat.

Her presence caused a stir amongst the student, enough for the lady with fiery red eyes to notice. The microphone unleashed a loud hiss that nearly deafened the front row of students as they covered their ears for a moment before they returned their gaze to the vampire under the sun.

"I congratulate all of you," the red-eyed lady spoke with a slightly high pitched voice as she addressed the whole crowd, "I bid all of you a warm welcome to this fine institution," she continued, "I am your headmaster, Madame Hyde."

Get on with it, lady.

"I know that some of you are reluctant to attend this institution," Madame Hyde spoke as she looked at the crowd as though trying to stab them with her eyes, "But I assure you," she continued, "That all of you will admire this place."

The crowd remained silent as she had wanted it; she darted her eyes from end to end as though trying to discern if there were reluctant heartbeats in the crowd. She took a deep breath as she gave a small smile that the crowd found rather sinister than warm; she could already smell the fear among them which was what she wanted.

"Have a pleasant year at Faris Institution."

With that, a round of applause erupted and started from none other than the very person those teens found out of place – the human; she clapped loudly as her green eyes beamed with happiness as though sarcastic.

Finally, I want to sit down already.

Jesslyn mentally sighed as she kept her stance whilst eyeing her new students; slowly all of them dispersed into their respective buildings – first years, second years, third and fourth. She had class first thing in the morning and she was not looking forward to see the first years – the rookies.

She smiled at her colleagues and excused herself as she paced towards the gym; she can feel gusts of wind pass by her which told her that some teens have been using their powers – something that was against the school rules.

Turning to the quadrangle, she saw one of her colleagues press the button on the podium and immediately felt the effects; there were no more gusts of winds passing through her which told her that they have activated the barriers.

Try running now, vampies.

Jesslyn chuckled mentally as she proceeded to Harding gym where she could hear teens squealing inside the locker room; this gym was big – enough to fit at least a hundred soldiers for war. They built it especially for her as they entrusted her with five classes for two hours a day; the morning students would have the hardest time.

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