The Love Square {25}

Start from the beginning

                Mom’s face paled. “Collie, we do care. We don’t want to see you get hurt,” she said.

                I couldn’t help but stare at my parents in shock. They both had concern in their eyes as they stared at Collie’s bruised face.

                Yes, he was gay, and they were homophobic. But he was their son and they loved him. They loved us. And the irony in all of this was that they were so concerned about someone physically hurting Collie, when they were the ones emotionally damaging him with their homophobia.

                “Wait, let me get this straight. Colin punches Ant for being gay, and you tell him he did the right thing. But someone punches me for being gay, and suddenly they’re Lucifer.” Collie shook his head. “You guys have some messed up logic.”

                “Collie, you’re not gay!” dad said, going over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Stop saying that! Now, tell us hurt you. We can help you. We’re not going to stand by and let someone hurt you.”

                Collie rolled his eyes and shrugged dad’s hand off. “Please don’t tell me we’re back to this whole ‘Collie, you’re confused’ stage,” he groaned.

                “Collie, you’re not g-”

                “Hey Colin, if I hit my head on the counter hard enough, do you think I’ll die?” Collie asked, cutting off dad and glancing at me.

                I snickered despite the situation. Collie sure was a special one.

                “Collier Memphis Archer! Stop it!” mom said sternly.

                “Calm down,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. “Colin already threatened the guy off. And by the way, I am 100% gay, and I’m talking to a boy.”

                With that, he hopped up and casually strode out of the kitchen. I glanced at my parents as their faces paled.

                “Mom…dad…He really is gay,” I said quietly. If I couldn’t even defend Collie for his sexuality, how could I ever hope to be open about my own?

                “Stop it Colin. Don’t you dare say that,” mom said, terror in her eyes. “He’s not gay! He can’t be!”

                “Come on,” dad said, putting an arm around mom’s waist. “We’ll go talk about this. Colin, your brother is confused. I want you to be careful. Just remember that homosexuality is wrong. Very, very wrong. Collie is NOT a faggot. And keep him safe. If someone at school is giving him problems, you protect him and you tell us as soon as something happens. We won’t stand to see him injured.”

                With that, he led mom out of the room and down the hall. I listened as their bedroom door shut before getting up and heading down to the basement.

                I let myself into Collie’s room, shutting the door and going over to his bed. I sat on the edge and he glanced up at me, finishing up a text and shoving his phone in his pocket. He sat up and raised an eyebrow at me.

                “It’s called knocking,” he said in annoyance.

                “Who are you talking to?” I asked, ignoring him.

                Collie blushed a little. “None of your business. Just worry about Ant.”

                “Who’s Misha? That name sounds familiar,” I said. I felt like I knew who that was, and yet I couldn’t quite place my finger on who.

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