Chapter Two

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WHAZZAM. How did you all like the first chapter? It was pretty cool, this being a couple months after I wrote this and I'm like eh this isn't bad. Heh heh. Give me some credit, I finished the majority of this in like one day under pressure because my mum wouldn't let me go outside without finishing it. That's not to say I didn't want to finish it, and I know being forced to do something creative isn't very good, but it's finished and the past is, fortunately, the past. READ ON


“Good morning class, I hope you all had a good weekend, and you are all ready to go on our trip. Please forward out to the buses in your classes, and we’ll be on our way.” Ms Taylor looked so eager, ushering people out the doors and in the white and blue buses.

“Oh and Laurie, Kylie is waiting for you outside her classroom. Go on, don’t keep her waiting.” She shooed my outside, and I tripped over my shoelace as I bumped into people trying to get out.

Kylie Grassier was leaning against the lockers close to her classroom door, looking as ‘perfect’ and ‘pretty’ as ever. She looked up from staring at her shoes and waved at me, which then forced me to raise my arm slightly.

“Hey! Laurie right?” I nodded, “Ms Taylor asked me to keep an eye on you during this school trip. She’s a bit of a bat, if I do say so.” After she said this, she giggled. I’m serious, she literally giggled. Who giggles anymore, it’s either that chain smoker hee-haw that Jazz does, or a laugh.

My eyebrows go up and she calms herself down, “oh yeah, I tend to laugh a lot at stupid things. Don’t mind me.” Oh, I wont. “No problem,” I reply, “everyone has their own little thing.” We walk in silence to the bus, her walking awkwardly fast but trying to slow down to keep close to me, and me with my hands in my pockets and my headphones over my ears.

The bus is pretty much packed with people, lots of loud people who find it fun to throw unidentified objects at each other while screaming at someone sitting right next to them. I didn’t really care though, I was in the sweet bliss of You Me at Six.

Kylie slid into the only two seats available, leaving me sitting on the aisle sticking out like a sore thumb. “Do you like sitting by the window, Laurie?” I nodded, wanting nothing more but to get away from the population of apes and monkeys that were teenagers.

Kylie stood up and let me take her space, crossing her legs comfortably before turning and talking to a couple of her friends who were sitting close by.

I get that she’s trying to be nice, and I’m not trying to be mean or anything; I just like being alone or with Jazz. He’s probably one of the only people who understands what goes on in my head. Then again, that just might be because he’s also insane.

About a half an hour goes by and we arrive at the stone gates of the entrance of Kidson’s Museum. There were stone pillars everywhere, a cobblestone walkway from the entrance to the actual building, and ivy and rose bushes growing everywhere.

To me, it looked more like a rich man’s mansion or summer house than a museum. Except for the fact that there was a big sign hanging above the big doors that said ‘Kidson’s Museum’.

At the entrance of the museum where every student was clumped together, a lady wearing a Marks and Spencer’s pin striped suit spoke with a microphone.

“Welcome St Michaels High School, to Kidson’s Museum. This month’s main attraction are our displays on the old Greek times, which include statues and old artefacts. Please, follow me.” With that, patches of teenagers started falling away, and I slowly trailed behind.

Don’t even ask about Kylie, I have no idea where she went. No one really was interested in me though, this was one of the few field trips our school had so everyone, including the teachers, were just happy to leave the brick walls that were St Michaels High School.

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