He shoved her face against the shiny metal as he tapped on the door frame. Alona struggled to free herself as her face was pushed painfully against the metal. The door moved inwards then slid to the right. He pulled her back by her hair and shoved her inside the metal tube.  

Alona stumbled and fell onto the floor. She looked around the container. There were several screens on the rounded walls and a single chair in the middle of the tiny room.

He pulled her off the ground then pushed her down in the chair. She saw her chance, she kicked him in the groin and ran. He fell to one knee, but quickly regained himself. He jumped onto her back and drug her back into the room. He threw her into the chair and held her hands behind the chair, a red beam of light chained her to the chair. He then held her feet in place as a red beam of light held to them to the ground.

She jerked at the beams of light but they didn't budge one bit. She looked around as the man tapped on a screen in front of her. She couldn't see fully see the screen or make out what he was doing on the screen. 

A mechanical hissing to her right caught her attention. Her head darted towards the sound. It was too dark inside the room to see exactly what it was. A long red bar came towards her out of the wall.

The man grabbed Alona's head, holding it in place, he moved the hair away from her right ear. Then she felt something pierce her ear. She screamed and tried to move away. It released her ear and went back into the wall. He left go of her head.

She cursed under her breath. The man had blood on his hand. She was bleeding. 

"What are you doing with me? Let me go!" She yelled at him. 

He scoffed and left her in the room. The door slid closed behind him.

She waited for whatever was going to happen. She didn't know what to expect. She tried to steady her breathing. She was shaking. She felt like screaming. She was helpless against these men.

Suddenly bright lights flooded the room. She squeezed her eyes shut. She tensed waiting for something to hit her. She waited for someone to beat the crap out of her. She promised herself she would learn to fight, to really fight, after all this was over. That is, if she survived.

Then a woman's voice said, "Welcome to this customization center. Please press the green start when you are ready."

She opened her eyes. The was a woman on the screen in front of her. She was dressed as crazy as the rest of the people. Alona's hands were released. 

She rubbed her wrists. Her feet were still restrained. She touched her stinging ear, there was a metal loop went through the middle of her ear. She felt wetness and looked at her finger tips, which had blood on them. She clenched her teeth.

A glowing screen was on the wall in front of her.

The woman on the screen repeated herself, "Welcome to this customization center. Please press the green start when you are ready."

Alona stared at her. There was only one thing to press, the flashing green start button.

"What is this?" She yelled, guessing he could hear her outside the tube.

"Do what she says." His voice came over a speaker above her. 

She tried to free her feet again, but it was no use.

She sighed and wiped her hands on her borrowed pants. She pressed the green start.

"Please select your gender, species, race, height, and weight." The woman's picture shrank to a small rectangle on the left side of the screen. Five questions took up the right side of the screen.

"Is this a joke?" She asked the woman. The woman didn't answer or even move.

She clicked female. Nothing happened. She looked around.

She looked at the next question. There were two options, Human or Volkov. She only understood one of the answers, human. She clicked it. Nothing happened.

She clicked Caucasian. She typed her height and weight into the blanks.

The questions disappeared and the woman returned. "Please select social status, hair and eye color and style of clothing."

"What?" Alona said to herself. The door behind her slid open. The man grabbed the back of her head, then took her hands and chained them behind her again. He clicked on the screen. A panel slid open to her left and bright and colorful bras and panties were inside.

She swallowed. He walked over to the panel and picked out a glowing red and pink set. Alona felt herself dying internally.

He turned around and laid them in Alona's lap.

He walked towards the door. As he left all he said was, "Change."

The door slid closed behind him.

Alona's hands and feet were released. She threw the lingerie on the floor. 

She banged on the door, "Let me out!" She yelled. 

"Change!" He said over the intercom again.

"Hell no." She replied. She walked around the container. She pushed on where the door was. She slammed her body against it. It was no use, it wouldn't open. She searched the walls for a way out.

A voice said over a speaker. "Change or I will change for you."

"No!" She screamed, feeling exposed.

The door slid open and he walked inside. He held a black weapon in his hand. He lunged towards her, she quickly jumped out of the way. She punched him in the jaw and he shoved the black stick into her side. It electrocuted her. She collapsed onto the ground. That was the second time she had been tasered. She didn't like it either time.

He lifted her onto his shoulder and threw her into the chair. He didn't restrain her this time.

Her head felt like it was going to explode. Her head fell back against the chair. Her neck didn't want to function. She blinked and tried to wake herself out of this trance.

She felt herself fade in and out of consciousness. Her head bobbed up and down. He stood in front of her.

She felt her adrenaline kick in. She began kicking and screaming. She threw herself on him. He was surprised, but he still managed to grab her and toss her off. She pushed off of the wall and jumped on his back. She heard the woman on the screen talking.

He shouted at her but she couldn't hear him. She bit his ear. He screamed and grabbed his stick from the floor. He shoved it into her leg. She collapsed onto the ground.

She looked up at him. He shook his head as he shoved the stick into her thigh again.

This time she lost consciousness. 


Alona has bad luck.

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