Yandere Jae-ha - Promise Me Forever

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"Are you a girl? You're so beautiful!" I could almost see the sparkles floating around him as he suddenly broke into a smile, leaning just a tiny bit closer to me. I didn't even have time to think before I found myself pushing him away and climbing to my feet.

"Get away from me you pervert!" The growl in my voice seemed to shock him just a tiny bit before he began smiling even wider. I had a feeling my day was only going to get worse from here.


During the next few weeks, I could barely step outside without finding Jae-ha, the name he gave me, waiting to 'talk' to me. No matter what I said or did to try and get him to leave me alone, he seemed determined to spend time with me, usually either telling me I should start dressing in ways more suited to my 'beauty', flirting outrageously or asking me to go on a date.

No matter how many times I refused, it just seemed to make him more eager. I refused to give in just to get him to stop, since there was no guarantee that he would in fact stop once I said yes.


It was another month before I began making him lunch during his visits. I almost laughed at how happy he looked, his cheeks slightly pink as I finally allowed him inside my home for the first time. I decided at that moment, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to become friends with this man. It was nice to hear someone call me (y/n) again, instead of the fake boys name I had been using for so many years.

The thought was only more appealing when he seemed to enjoy every meal I prepared for him, be it something as simple as soup or one of the more complex meals I had learned before mother vanished.

It had been years since I had learned to make them, but as I spent more time with Jae-ha I found myself wanting to see if I could still remember them, just to see if he would smile while he ate the meal with me.

And I guess it wouldn't hurt to let my (h/c) hair grow out a bit, since even Jae-ha had longer hair than I did.


The weather had been turning colder as the weeks flew by and I wore heavier clothes to keep warm. Jae-ha frowned at me, saying I shouldn't be hiding my beauty in such ugly clothing since he would be more than happy to keep me warm. He just smiled at me when I hit him and walked back inside my home.

Since he had begun bringing supplies from town, saying he didn't want me walking that far in the cold, I had fallen completely out of current events in the world around me unless Jae-ha happened to mention it. For once, I didn't mind not knowing what was going on in Awa Port.

I felt safe with Jae-ha checking on me each day.


The weather finally began warming up enough to change back to lighter clothing and I wanted to surprise Jae-ha when he came to visit again tomorrow. I made my way to town as soon as he left for the day, carefully thinking of what I could afford to buy. It couldn't be anything too fancy since I didn't have a lot of money saved up.

Making sure my hair was well hidden and my bandages tight, I made my way into town and headed for the needed shop. It was nearly an hour later that I came out with my purchase carefully wrapped and placed in my pack, ready to head back home. And I would have, if a guard hadn't stumbled into me, knocking me to the ground along with the hat I wore.

All I could do was look up with fear in my (e/c) as I felt my hair brush against my shoulders.


It was two days before I was loaded into a ship, now wearing the (f/c) dress I had bought to wear for Jae-ha, my (h/c) hair loose and tumbling across my shoulders. I didn't bother trying to hide the tears that ran down my cheeks, my once healthy (s/c) skin now pale from the constant fear that kept me from sleep.

As night fell and the boat began moving, I began praying that the boat would sink into the water long before it reached its destination and I was sold into slavery. I would rather die than let some strange man put his hands on me. I knew what would happen to most, if not all, of the females on the boat with me and we would be better off dead in body before the life ahead of us could kill our spirits.

Exhaustion had set in and my eyes were slowly closing shut when the sounds of battle made me sit upright, my hands struggling against the ropes that bound my wrists as I tried to figure out what was happening. My heart was racing for what felt like hours, but was likely just minutes, before the sounds quieted down and I could hear footsteps coming closer from the other side of the door.

I moved closer to the door, ready to try and force my way past, when the door openned and I saw a face I had been longing to see since I had been captured.

"Jae-ha!" I rushed up to him, wishing I could wrap my arms around him as he stood there frozen in shock. I had just started to move back again when I felt an arm pull me closer as fingers started to run through my hair. Relaxing against him, I rested my head against his chest and listened to his heart beating against my ear.

"(Y/n), I found you. I finally found you. Please promise me you'll never disappear like that again, my beautiful (y/n). I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." His quiet voice washed over me, soothing me as I made my promise to him.

Cutting the ropes that bound me and the other girls, he lead us upstairs to the deck. I could see a ship coming closer, calling out to him, before I felt myself lifted into strong arms. Before I could even react, I felt the air suddenly racing past as we seemed to fly through the air. Minutes later we were standing outside my home, my heart still racing from having been carried through the air like that.

"I'll keep you safe now, so if you ever need something from town again, tell me and I will get it for you. Don't go back there again, ok? It's not safe enough for you anymore. Promise me you'll let me keep you safe?" I could hear the worry in his voice and it make my heart warm.

"I promise, Jae-ha. I'll stay here for you. I won't go anywhere without you. Because I love you." I blushed at him before leaning forward and placing a small kiss on his quickly reddening cheek.

"Then I'll keep you safe forever, my beautiful (y/n). I love you too." I leaned against him as I felt his arms wrap around me, protecting me from the world.

And even as the years passed by, I never once broke my promise as my world shrunk down to Jae-ha, my house, and the cliff-side where I would watch him leap about the boat as it rested on the waves below.

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