"Nothing." I responded.

"Well I came to tell you that your father and I are going to Granny's tonight, Grandpa is going hunting so we are going to stay with her so she's not alone."

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"You and Zennith aren't going. It will only be for a couple days, and you guys need to clean the house anyways. We are leaving after dinner."

"Ok." I responded.

"Oh, and dinner is ready hun," My mom said with a smile.

"Be down in a second." I smiled. My family was finally the same. Happy, and together. I ran downstairs and had a delicous dinner. After dinner my parents left and Zennith and I watched our favorite movie. Finding Nemo.

"Did you know they're coming out with a Finding Dory?!" My brother said with excitement after the movie was over.

"Are you serious!" I screamed with joy.

"Did you know it's time for bed?" My mom said as she walked back into the house in a rush, "I forgot my purse."

"I hate bed time." I whispered to myself.

"What?" My brother said, "You used to love sleep!"

"Go to bed early tonight, you can stay up late tomorrow night." my mom said as she kissed us goodbye and left.

"Yup. Like you said. I used to." I answered Zennith. I walked up to my room and got in my bed and closed my eyes.

"Munchy, Munchy!" I heard someone yelling at me. I opened my eyes to see Zennith was shaking my violently.

"Stop shaking me!" I yelled as I pushed him away.

"I'm sorry," He yelled as he put me down, "You weren't breathing Munchy. You were out for 3 days. I thought you were sleeping every time I came and checked on you. Taking naps, or something. Then today, I came in to wake you up so we can clean the house, but you weren't moving. Or breathing. Munchy, I thought you were dead!"

"How long was I in my room?" I asked.

"Three days." Zennith answered, "We have to take you to a hospital!" Zennith yelled as he got up.

"NO!" I yelled.

"Munchy! You weren't breathing!" He yelled.

"I did it to scare you," I lied.

"WHAT!" He yelled.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Time for you to get your ass up lazy!" He laughed.

"No, seriously. What time is it?"

"About 10ishh." he answered.

"AM or PM?"


"Well I'm going to bed," I lied just so he would leave.

"Fine lazy. Goodnight." he said as he left and shut my door.

I got up and went to the bathroom, I felt like a drunk as I walked to the bathroom. A sad, tired, drunk. I washed my face and looked at my eyes. They were grey. I blinked 30 times, to see if I were imagining things. I looked at the mirror again to see my eyes were still grey. "What the heck," I whispered. I stood there and stared at my eyes. My beautiful grey eyes, almost as pretty as Ryan's. I brushed my teeth and ran to my room and laid on my bed thinking about what just happened. I slept for 3 whole days, and woke up with grey eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but failed. I grabbed my ipod and my earphones and turned the music up. and closed my eyes. It was a One Direction kind of night. I was listening to, "Kiss you," when the song was interrupted by somebody pulling my earphones out. I opened my eyes to see Ryan sitting on my bed. I quickly sat up.

"What are you doing here!" I whispered loudly.

"Get up, I have somewhere I want to show you." He said with a smile.

"Get out," I said seriously, "I want to sleep."

"You're not going to fall asleep." He said smiling.

"I will too." I said trying to hide a smile, and continue to be mad at him.

"Trust me. I know you won't. So just trust me and come with me." He said smiling. I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't be mad at Ryan, it felt impossible. So I listened to him and followed him. He jumped out of the window and onto the floor.

"I'm not doing that." I said as he stared at me waiting for me to jump.

"I'll catch you, I promise." He said. Without a doubt I jumped, and I was in his arms.

"You can put me down now," I said.

"I'm going to carry you to the car." He said smiling.

"I have feet you know." I said smiling.

"I want to carry you." He said. He carried me to his car and put me in the passenger seat. He had a huge smile on his face. We drove for an hour and finally came to a stop in the middle of the woods. My heart started beating faster. I was in the middle of nowhere with a stranger, who I hardly knew. He opened the door for me and we both stood in the middle of the woods. Alone. I looked at the moon then looked over at Ryan who was taking off his shirt, then his pants. I was in the woods with a stranger who was taking off his clothes. My mother always said, "Never go anywhere with a stranger." Now I wish I would have listened to my mom.


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