Sure blame teenage hormones.

Great, now I’ve gone mental.

You like him.

Do not.

Then why would you kiss someone you don’t like?

Because, clearly, I’m a glutton for punishment.

Liar, you have feelings for him and you don’t want to confront them.

I love Ronan.

You like Payton.

I hate Payton.

Keep telling yourself that.

I will because it’s true.

He convinced you to see your sister for a day instead of going to the Spa for 3 days.

My senses were weakened by his gross kissing.

That’s bull. You loved every minute of it.

Who cares?!


Yep, definitely mental. I wouldn’t be having a conversation with myself if I wasn’t.

“Hey,” Payton said, causing me to jump. He chuckled, “Didn’t mean to scare you. That was your mother. She said we have this business party tomorrow and she wants you to try on a dress later.”

“Figured. Okay, thank you for letting me know. I have to call Roxie.” I said getting up and walking by him.

He grabbed my arm, “Hey, are you going to avoid me? We kissed, so what?” he said looking down at me.

“I’m going to call my sister now.” I muttered not meeting his eyes and running to my room. I locked the door and fell against it. Why me?

Roxie’s POV (I KNOW!):

The doorbell rang and I couldn’t be bothered to get up an answer it. “Philip! Can you get the door please?”

He didn’t respond and I rolled my eyes. Whoever is at the door can go away because I’m taking a well deserved nap. I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper in my blankets, drifting off I heard the door open.

“Babe, your sister is here.” Philip said a little too loudly.

Now grumpy because I was awaken from my, close yet so far away, nap, yet happy because I missed her only after a day. She walked in looking very upset and frazzled. I sighed and moved over on the bed.

“Philip, this might take a while. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead softly before leaving. God, I love him.

“What’s wrong bug?”

“It’s been years since you’ve called me that! I hated that nickname.”

I smiled, “Well, you were supposed to. I gave it to you because you were annoying just like a bug and I was gonna smush you every time you annoyed me.”

She laughed, “Why can we be kids again? Those were good times. Ronan and I were still friends, you were living with me, and I wasn’t sold into an arranged marriage, and I definitely wasn’t making out with Payton.”

I laughed, “You made out with Payton? I thought you hated each other!”

“Momentary lack of judgment.” She grumbled


She gave me the rundown of how he kissed her after wiping pancake batter off her nose, and how he got bent out of shape about her sleeping with Ronan and kissing Landon, which I had no clue about! I was still fuming over the fact that she hadn’t told me about sleeping with Ronan when she groaned.

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