Chapter twenty one

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Chapter twenty-one

Oh god this is why I should exercise more.

My chest was rapidly moving up and down, i could feel the sweat drip from my forehead and my lungs open as they gasped for air. My legs felt like jelly and I could feel my heart beating against my ribs.

My sport teacher always told me "you never know when you'll need to grab your shit and run"

I always knew I should have listened to her!

Who knew that my shit would be a black ball dress and heels and I would be running out of an award show.

I ran as fast as I could barefoot out of the buildings doors, as the doors flew open lights flashed all around me. I quickly came to a halt, flattened the creases put of my dress, licked my hand to smooth out the fly aways of my hair and walked as gracefully as I could past the cameras. As soon as the cameras died down and I had passed them, I ran....again.

As i ran i could feel my undigested food Jump around my stomach.

Oh god! Seriously I knew I shouldn't have eaten all that food.

But it was so good. I wonder if there is any leftovers.

No Alyssa!

Okay, okay I need to sit. If I keep running I think my stomach will come out my oesophagus.

I sat on the side walk tugging my dress up, trying to be as feminine as I could....

Screw it!

I pulled the dress to my knees and sat cross legged on the side walk of the unfamiliar street.

I was doing a great job at the whole feminine thing. What's a lady?

You know if this was some romantic movie, Niall would come bursting around the corner on a horse with a carriage, get down on his knees and apologise while Confessing his love for me.

But. No.

My life isn't a fairly tale. My life consists of getting hit in the head with a fence, being framed for a crime I didn't commit and then chucking drinks at boy band members.

I heard footsteps from around the corner finally I was going to get my fairy tale ending.


I watched The black shadow as it was getting closer. I sat still waiting for him to speak.

"Alyssa?" I heard him say.

"Yes?" I Replied to Niall.

Love at first.... OUCH!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora