Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

"Are we there yet?"


"But Niall, this blindfold is making my eyes itchy." I said whining slightly.

"We'll shut your eyes then?" Niall replied like I was stupid.

"Oh yeah That makes sense"

How embarrassing. I'm just going to be quiet now.

"Are we there yet?"

Well that didn't last long

I felt the car come to a halt, the engine turn off and the click of Nialls seatbelt. Which answered my question for me.

"We are here" niall said.

My hands reached up to the rim of my blindfold. As I began to lift, preparing my eyes for the change in lighting, I felt the pressure of Niall's hand on mine.

"Nope, not yet"

"But Niall" I replied whining again.


"Fine" I said disappointed.

But my disappointment faded and my eyes widened as soon as I felt Niall's hand wrap around my waist.

Ow! Note to self: Don't widen your eyes in a blindfold.

His hand firmly pressed against my back as he lead me through a door.

Or what I think was a door. The door to a restaurant? Oh god! A door to a dungeon?

My thoughts stopped as the pressure on my back was lost.

Now I'm blindfolded. And alone.

Relief washed over me as a hand fit in mine.

"Like it's made just for me" I had to.

Niall continued to lead me, pulling and pushing me in the right direction. When we came to a stop.

My breathing hitched as I felt his warm hands lift the blindfold from my face. My eyes where wide in surprise as my eyes scanned the venue.

"Oh my god Niall"

A smile was spread across his lips as he watched my reaction.

"I thought we would come to the place where I hit You in the face with a fence. Oh... and the place where we first met."

I blushed at his cuteness. My eyes took in the site in front of me. We stood at the very front row of the familiar arena. A picnic blanket in front of the very seat I sat in that night, the place where the barricade fell, The place where Niall fell on top of me.

"Niall" I said, it being the only word I could manage.

"I can't believe all this.... food" I finished, as I ran towards the table which sat in front of the seats. Food covering every inch of the piece of furniture.

But really the only thing I wanted to eat.... Is his face. I mean... what?

I sat down quickly grabbed the serviette tucked it down the front of my dress and began eating, maybe a bit to quickly.

I stopped suddenly, closing my open mouth.

Oh my god I'm on a date with Niall and I currently have gravy all over my face. I put down the chicken drum stick slowly, trying to fuze into the etiquette of a lady slowly slipping the serviette out of my top, failing miserably as the gravy still covered my lips.

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