Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

"Where's Niall?" I asked my hair soaked, dripping wet and shaking from the cold water that poured over my clothed body.

Ha! For once I was in the bathroom with one direction and clothed. Score for me!! ....

Since the whole date gone wrong which I had been calling a "mishap" since I thought that the title "Bitchany framed me for leaking a song that I only heard once and didn't even know the name to, taped my voice and stole Niall" was a bit to long.

Since the day of the "mishap" I had managed to eat a whole tub of ice cream and Nutella, sleep for 11 hours a night plus have a good 2 hour nap during the day, in between sleeping and eating I would be on tumblr and twitter stalking Niall... I mean researching Him.

Nope. no. That's still not any better...

And in between that I had managed to call Louis and tell him the truth about Brittany.


"Hello" Louis said when he picked up his phone.

"Before you hang up let me explain, you don't need to talk ill do that."

 "The date was going amazing, and then we where about to kiss and he was like leaning in and then BAM the doors opened and there was brittany and she was all like 'the song was leaked.' and Niall was all like "it was Alyssa" and i was like 'hey. it wasn't me.' and then Niall left. And I was all like "yeah I stole the tape, if my name is Brittany" But then she just recorded the bit where I said 'I stole the tape' Ooh. And before that Niall ran off. Oh wait did I say that? ... And anyway I haven't talked to him since"

Louis was silent while taking in my story which had taken me about two minutes of constant taking and no breathing to spit out.

I remember thinking; I should really breathe now.

I inhaled saving myself from any permanent brain damage.

"I never really liked her" was all Louis said, before he hung up.

The next day, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry where in front of me picking Cheetos out of My hair, taking my laptop from me and throwing me in a shower.


"Where's Niall?" I asked again, hoping to get a response this time.

I looked up at the four boys that stood over me, there faces filled with sympathy.

"You know where he is Alyssa" Liam said.

"C'mon twitters lying, Niall isn't dating your her okay!! I mean what type of ship name biall?

I mean c'mon!! Isn't that a greenish-brown alkaline fluid that aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder."

Year twelve human biology everybody!!!

"No that b-i-l-e not b-i-a-l-l" Liam said Correcting me.

"Well still both are gross" I said

"what about niallyssa? That sounds like a flower not some green brown alkaline fluid"

"Am I right or am I right?"

"Or or or alyniall" Harry said.

"No! nyssa"Louis replied.

Bring bring!!

We all stopped and turned to Harry when we Where interrupted from the sound of His phone ringing.

I watched as Harry took his phone call. But my mind was completely zoned out.

Alyssa Horan.

Mrs. Alyssa Horan.

Mr and mrs Niall Horan

Oh god I'm a freak.

I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of Liam's voice. "Who was that?"

I looked at Harry, who hesitated to reply.

"It's not like I'm going to break out crying at the sound of his name"

Harry smiled at me, and spoke to Liam "it was Niall"


Tears flooded to my eyes and a sob broke through my lips. Harry and Liam's face dropped and turned towards me they stepped closed and leaned into the shower which I still sat in to comfort me.

My face changed from a deranged crying face to a smile as a laugh escaped me lips.

"Wow you really do think I'm crazy"

Harry and Liam joined in with my laughter. I reached out my hand for one of them to pull me up, in which Harry extended his hand which I kindly grasped on to and heaved myself up.

"I'm going to go get changed out of these wet clothes"

The boys nodded and I walked into my room Shutting the door behind me, leaning my back against it and resting my head.

"What did Niall want?" Liam whispered, obviously thinking I can't hear.

"He said he wouldn't be home tonight, he's staying at Brittany's again"


I slid down the door, you know how in movies the main character slides down the door and cries when she reaches the bottom. Well instead of sliding Down the door I more landed with a large thump.....

And this time I wasn't pretending to cry, this time it was real.


hello lovely readers, 

i have some news to share. love at first...ouch made it to number 1 on teen fiction.


thats legit cray cray. almost as crazy as the fact that niall and brittany are together like ew.

do you think we could get love at first ouch to number one again? challenge accepted. 


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