Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

It had now been two weeks or 14 days or 168 hours or 10,080 minutes since I had heard or seen Niall, apart from the few minutes that I managed to run to the tv and turn on the entertainment channel.

I sneaked around the corner, the coast was clear, Creeping slowly I turned around the door frame and slid across the wall of the hallway, tip toed down the stairs and successfully made it to the television. Phase one complete. I grabbed the tv remote from the couch. Wait where's the tv remote?


I lifted pillow after pillow with still no remote to be found. I crouched down to all fours, nope not under the couch. I took a deep breathe and held it while I stuck my hand down the middle of the cushions.

Why am I holding my breathe? I don't know.

I felt something hard, my fingertips trying to grasp it.

That better be a remote.

I lifted the hard object from in between the couch cushion. Ah ha!

The remote.....

To the DVD player.

Oh god, attempt number two. I took another breathe and went in for the second time, I felt the familiar hard object.

Success! I pulled the remote from the couch and held it in the air, like Simba the lion.

I sat eagerly on the the comfy couch crossing my legs, making sure to be very very quiet. I carefully held the remote to turn on the tv. I pointed it to the tv and relaxed into the couch,

I jumped forward and the tv remote fell out of my hands as the noise from the tv burst out of this speakers. Shit!

"Niall Horan and his new girl-" the tv blasted Loudly.

96? Who puts the volume on 96?

The tv remote fumbled in my hands, trying my best to catch it quickly, but it landed with a thump on the ground. crap! I snatched it from the floor quickly and pointed it at the television, I pushed my finger on the volume button and let my finger spasm uncontrollably as I turned the volume down.

"Alysssssssssssssaaaaaaaaa" Anna yelled.

o oh!

I pulled the elastic of my shorts away from my waist shoved the remote down my pants and sat back down on the couch as casually as I could.

Anna stormed into the room.

"Hey Anna" i said calmly "what's up?"

"Oh you know what's up Alyssa, where's the remote?"

"What remote?"

"The rectangular object which controls the functions of the tv"

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