Chapter six

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Chapter six

"Vas happening everybody" Zayn yelled around the room.

I didn't reply still Looking at Niall.

Oh my god why are you staring. Stop!!!!! I yelled to myself mentally.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, and positioned my self on the end of the couch and hugged my knees. Harry came and sat down next to me, Louis next to Harry, Liam next to Louis and then Niall on the other end of the couch.

Zayn and Anna where no where to be seen. Yep, that right my best friend of ten years decides to ditch me and now I'm in a room with four fifths of the biggest boy and in the world. I am so socially awkward, this is not going to end well.

"Hows you head love?" Harry asked as he wrapped his arm around me.

"It's fine thanks" I replied the boys seemed shock at his movement, Louis and Liam looking over at Niall's reaction.

Wow, "it's fine" c'mon Alyssa you could of sounded a bit more interesting.

"Those girls were crazy, you should see the scratches Niall has" Louis said to me.

"Really?! Lets see! " I replied maybe a bit to eagerly.

"There Under his shirt" Louis said with a hint of smugness to his tone.

He smirked after realizing the awkwardness he had just caused, I blushed embarrassed at louis suggestion.

Take. it. off! Take. it. off! Stop it Alyssa!

"Ouch! that hurt" Liam yelled.

"Oh sorry, Liam that was...uh meant for Louis" Niall said shyly while his cheeks darkened.

I smiled at Niall's attempt at hurting Louis. I glimpsed at Niall with out trying to stare, which was extremely difficult I must say. The light from his phone shone on to his face, I relaxed laid back and rested into Harry's arm.

"I'm hungry" I said announcing it to the whole room.

"Wow, you and Niall are really are made for each other" Louis mumbled quietly.

"what?" I said curiously to Louis.

"Oh nothing" he replied in a cheeky tone.

Niall shot up from his seat, "I'll go" obviously wanting to get out of the room where he was being constantly teased by his band mates. 

Liam got up from the couch we sat on and put a disc into the DVD player, Batman flashed on to the screen and Louis and Harry moaned in unison.

"not agaiiiiinnnn"

I sat watching the movie as well as Liam, Harry and Louis. By phone vibrated in my left pocket and Harry smirked as he felt the vibration against his thigh. I shook my head at his smirk.

Love at first.... OUCH!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ