First Day

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Organize the event day paperwork
Stock the winter collection files
Fit in meeting with CR on Monday
Pull out the list of all those involved in the
Red District recovery

These are just a few of the things I have to do written on the file on my desk. This file is at least 30 pages. And for a week. Meaning I have to be done with all these 30 pages this week, before the next 30 pages arrive. Ahhhh!!!
Hey don't be lazy you came here for work so that's what you're gonna do.
I start of pretty smoothly and in about an hour I have completed nothing.Who is Chin Ming? Where are those winter collection files? And why the hell does he need them? It's summer.
'Rrrrriiiing' the phone on my desk rings.
"Come now." Says a voice on the other side.
"Excuse me, but who is this?" I ask
"*cough**cough**cough**cough*" I hear the other person cough like they're chocking on something, sounds like water.
"Who is this? Did you just say that? To me? I am the person who's behind the doors in front of you"
Shit! I drop the phone and run. How? How could I not recognize the President's voice?Aaahhhhh this is the worst.
"Sir I am really sorry, it's just that your voice sounds very different over the phone. This won't happen again. I assure you."
He stares at me intently and then opens his poker faced mouth.
"First of all get me a glass of water. Now."
"Yes Sir" I say and hurry to find the nearest water dispenser. So I guess he was so shocked when I asked who it was that he chocked on all his water. Serves him right for earlier.
I fill a cup and come back into his office. I place the cup on his desk and smile.
"What is this?"
"Water Sir. You asked for it."
"Where did you get this? From .....the......... water--------dispenser?"
"Aah....yes" why is he speaking in such a weird way? " there's one right outside your offi-"
"Take it back!"
"Pardon me? But you just-"
"You expect me to drink this?"
"It's just water"
"Since its your first day I will let it slide, I only drink Voss Water. Understand?"
"What kind of water? Vase?"
"Voss! Now go."
Ok this guy sure is .....different. Even the way he drinks water is different. Vase? Now where am I supposed to find one? Oh another coworker she will know for sure.
"Excuse me. Miss do you know where I can get a vase?"
"What for?"
"It's for the president"
"Oh! Then what kind do you need? What size?"
Since he's prestigious probably a really expensive one and since his mouth is very big he can't keep it shut, a wide one,
"The most expensive and the widest you have."
"Ummmmm.......can I ask why does he need a vase? All the flowers sent to him are already returned and given away"
"Oh it's not for flowers. You see this man he has a weird style of doing things, he said he wants to drink water from a vase."
"I know. He kept saying vase water get me vase water. Even his English isn't proper"
"Vase water? Oooh! You mean Voss Water. Follow me. You're really lucky that you bumped into me out of all people. What the the president was saying is Voss Water. It's a type of brand of water. Here take this and go."
"Water has brands?" I say while taking the bottle from her.
"Yeah.hahha. I'm Diane."
"David. Nice to meet you."
"That's cool see you around "
"Yeah! Thanx"
I hurry back with the water in my hand.
"What took you so long? Where you manufacturing the water? What kind of assistant are you?"
"I'm sorry Sir. I just didn't know what Voss water is, so I kept-"
"What? You didn't know? Do you even drink water? Ahhhh you seriously----never mind. Are you ready? Anyway it doesn't matter. Follow me."
"Where are we going?"
"Are you seriously asking me?"
"You're my assistant aren't you? It's your job to know"
"But I just got here a couple hours ago."
"There's a meeting on the 16 floor."
The meeting went by smoothly. I didn't even talk. All I did was hand him files he asked for and collected others. I think I did a pretty good job since no complains were coming from Mister-I-Only-Drink-Voss-Water.
"Miss Cole, is your CV fake?"
"You have to work faster and harder. Because of you the meeting which usually lasts 35 minutes lasted 58."
"I will work harder Sir."
"You better. Because I was thinking of overlooking it since you're new, but you have to repay the time you've wasted. I'm I won't count the meeting, I'm that good natured, but the 1034.75$ for this morning you have to pay it back."

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