I Never Got to Say I Love you

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(Just a quick heads up before you begin. Things that are happening in this chapter, happened over a long period of time. It may seem like days, but it's actually months. It's a long chapter and there will be a part to play the song.)

~Treat people like it's their last day living. Life is unpredictable, we never know what will happen. One second it's sunny and the next it rains. One second they're here and the next they're gone.~

                Detective Henry's (POV)

"Hello! You must be Detective Henry right? I'm Doctor Linn, you can call me Linn," A woman of rather small height abruptly sits in the empty seat across mine, practically giving me a heart attack.

Is she talking to me? I look around to make sure. She must be talking to me, she said my name right? How does she even know my name in the first place?

"Excuse me do I know you?" I ask placing my cup of coffee on the table and she smiles while shaking her head. Making her short dark hair sway from side to side.

"I'm here to aid you with the case of Anne Wills-"

How does she know I'm handling the case? Nobody except Sam and Charles know that. Who is this woman? "I'm not handling any case," I lie, "I'm not even a detective anymore."

"Yes I've heard you were fired but someone has informed me you're solving the case on your own. Am I right?"


At my question she smiles mysteriously but not in a wicked way. More like a soothing way. "Someone who's trying to help David as much as you are."

"Why are you getting involved then?" Why doesn't that 'someone' come himself or herself.

"Because if he does," her pleasant smile fades for some seconds, "then no one will ever be able to help her," she then clears her throat, "I'm a psychiatrist. I've met and helped David regain memories of who she is-"

"Amazing," I slow clap clearly annoyed. What does this woman think? She can help me? A psychiatrist, must be a joke right? "I don't need your help, thank you for the offer." I give this woman an obvious sign to leave but she stubbornly refuses.

"There's a person who might be a witness. There's a place with a very important woman in it. The name of the place, who the woman and the witness are, I won't tell you. Goodbye!" She swiftly grabs her bag and without giving it a second thought stands up to leave.

What are you doing Henry? She might be able to help, or she might be lying. Do I trust her? "Wait!" I ask of her to stop and she turns around with a smile, "A little help won't hurt."

"Good to hear that Detective Henry," she stretches out her hand for me to shake and I do, "we'll be working alongside now. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah you too," I cough, "so who are those people?"

"First," she raises up her finger, "we need to go to Starbucks."

Third person (POV)

In a large estate, that always had a welcoming feel to it, a rather distressed man was pacing restlessly to and fro.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now