Caroline Connahan

510 29 73

On a cool summer's night. While the streets were gradually getting emptier, someone was racing against time in a brand new Buggati. Making a sharp turn at Clinton Street and stopping right in front of the rather small police department, Frank, head of it came racing inwards.

Wasting no breaths and dashing straight up to the second floor, he barges into Detective Henry's and his partner Officer Charles' office.

"HENRY!" He yells abruptly fixing his eyes onto the Detective who's quietly seated on his desk, working.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Detective asks in a monotone, "You're gonna have to do better than that to surprise me."

"Phew..." The worried party let's out a relieved sigh.

"Is the party over?" Henry spins in his office chair, facing Frank, "Why are you here?"

"Nothing,... I just...ahem!" Frank clears his throat, "How long are you gonna stay here? Everyone's waiting for you!" and practically pulling the Detective out of his seat, Frank drags him to his car.

Though for now, for tonight, Henry will fun with his fellow coworkers for the last time, because starting tomorrow things will change.

                  Detective Henry's (POV)

Just like everyday, I get dressed and stand in front of the mirror in the corridor of my apartment. Just like everyday I fidget with my necktie, only to leave it loose on my shoulders.

~I've got to hurry, Goddammit! I stand in front of the mirror in our corridor, desperately trying to wear this damn tie! It was always like that, I get dressed in 15 minutes and then spend an hour on this tie. Or at least that's how it used to be.

"Oh come here!" My beautiful wife, already in her dark blue uniform which makes her blue eyes stand out even more and her long black hair up in a neat ponytail, walks out our bedroom quickly striding towards me. "Stand still," she sternly instructs grabbing both ends of my tie.

She'd then make one end longer than the other before making a loop. Twisting it twice from either side and finally pulling it up smoothly at the end. Her long delicate fingers tracing it's outline on my chest.

"There! See it's easy," she says with a big smile, looking up at me and I'd chuckle.

"What would I do without you?"~

"Valerie...." I look at her photo that's next to a candle on the side table beside the mirror, "I found this girl and I couldn't protect her. I did somethings foolish that caused her to suffer."

~"How do you know anything about The Code?"~

~"We left little clues wherever we could."~

She's been reaching out to us all these years asking for help to end her sufferings while all I did was hate. I hated The Code, and I started hating her simply because she was a part of it. "I'll save her this time," I look at Valerie again, "I promise."

                           Frank's (POV)

"Don't bother sitting," I tell Henry as I see him standing near his desk, "come to my office."

                  Detective Henry's (POV)

"What is this?" Frank turns his monitor screen to me where the surveillance camera plays last night's footage.

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