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Mwhahahahaahha you thought this was an update didn't you?????

It's NOT!!!!
I just wanted to tell you that I'm sick right now......and my brain isn't working properly (fatigue) so I won't be updating anytime soon. I'm really sorry....hope to get better.

Oh and BushraKhan814 I wanted to talk to you ......BUT YOU DONT REPLY TO MY MESSAGES.....IDK how to reach you so I'll just say it now........Have you read the first chapters cuz just started voting from like the end and then commented on the very first chapter
I repeat......THE VERY said 'you updated'...........I am confused...

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum