It Was Fun Though

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What the hell am I doing?

The PMP is a formal approved document used to manage project execution, documents: the actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate and coordinate the various......the objectives by 50% more efficient than....the end of the result of the quality department......of the following by and between the IRQ society and the......we request your corroboration on the matter....

What's a PMP? Is it something to do with the project? What project? What do they need from me? Corroboration? What does that even mean?

I've started my first day as the CEO today. More like my first hours as the CEO. 3 hours to be exact and I am more confused than anyone watching inception.

I misspelled my name in half the documents. Signed shit that isn't supposed to be signed. Filled in wrong or inefficient information, and did not stamp anything.

Therefore, Clive, who has been checking everything after me, has returned all the paperwork I've submitted. Of course he gave me advice and guided me. It did help, but I still don't know what I'm supposed to do.

'Decide what you think is right,' that's what Clive told me.




I hear a ringing sound and pick up one of the many land phones on my desk......

.........the wrong one.

"Hello? Hello?" I keep switching phones when Clive walks in with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why are there so many phones?" I complain continuing to try and find the right one.

                      Third person (POV)

Clive enters the office to find David causing a ruckus with all the phones. Quite puzzled, he looks between her and the TV.

The TV that's switched on with full volume, portraying a telephone commercial.

"Just a second Clive," David picks up another phone tube, "I'm sure it's this one!" Heaving a sigh to himself, Clive takes the television remote and presses the 'off' button.

Surprisingly, the ringing stopped😱. (Okay I never use emojis in this story unless it's a message, but this time I just had to. Because a similar situation like that happened to me once and that 😱 was literally my bro's expression.)

                          David's (POV)

Huh? What just happened? Was I too late for the call? Was it important?

My eyes shift to Clive, standing with a remote pointed to the black television screen. He gives me a subtle smile and I wish that the ground would open and swallow me whole. I'm such a nuisance.

"How about you take a break?" Clive hands me a glass of water and I feel more useless than ever. I never knew running a company was this hard. Kris made it seem so easy. Always confident in his actions and decisions. Always precise and on time. Always calmly sitting at his desk, he made it look effortless.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora