I'll Miss You

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Funny how fate works isn't it? From our beginning to our end it's all planned out. No matter what we do, if something was meant to happen it will. We can't escape it, we can only delay it and hope for the best.

There's a saying that 'God only takes good people', therefore only the wicked will eventually be left to aimlessly roam the Earth. And when that happens, they'll realize how precious life is and how useless it is without anyone being kind.

They'll compare the wreck of the wicked with the beauty of those who tried to do right. They'll try to change but it'll be too late. Because God slowly takes the good until there isn't any left.

But sometimes fate turns out differently than we think. And sometimes God decides to send those who can make a difference.......


                       Third person (POV)

One early morning at the old Olscale Hospital, a very familiar loud group of people were yelling in a particular patient's room.

Well they weren't exactly yelling, their 'congratulatory ways' just seem slightly frightening to strangers, more fight-like.

"I KNEW IT!" Mia fist bumps the air taking a Superman pose.

"OF COURSE! THIS IS DAVID WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!" Alex diva walks over to the curl-head sitting on the stretcher and punches her in the shoulder.

"Ughhh!" David grunts as her body has not fully recovered yet and Alex's punches are very....very...unpleasant.

"STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK HER BONES BUT THEY'LL NEVER BRING DOWN  HER BOOBS!!!!" Diane pushes forward with her bag of snacks.

A: Boobs?
Di: You know, they say 'balls' for the guys so isn't it...boobs for the girls?
M: Makes sense!
Dav: Diane?
A: Still, you could've said something better, like she's got a strong soul not 'hard boobs'.
Di: Well EXCUSE ME for not preparing a poem last night!
Dav: Diane? You're-
M: Wait! Are those tacos in your bag?
A: Tacos? Where?
Dav: Diane, you're sitting....on...my...leg-
Di: They're not for you! They're for David!
Dav: Get off and hand them over-
M: Whatever's for David, is for us too!
A: That's right gurl!
Dav: Never mind, keep sitting there! Just give me the tacos-
Di: I didn't even give Bradley any, what makes you think I'll give some to any of you?
A: Ohhh so your boyfriend is more important than us now?
M: After everything we've been through, this is how it's gonna be?
Dav: Okay could you like fight somewhere else, AND GIVE ME THE DAMN FOOD!
Di: This is how it's gonna be? You guys've been ignoring me every chance you get. Always with Louis, and you're always with your son! Is he more important than me?
Dav: How about you just all ignore me? Not like I've been in a coma for 10 days or anything-

As Alex and Mia began running in the little room after Diane to get the bag of tacos, David sat complaining on her bed and all the while yelling how she could die from starvation.

Xiaofei, holding his son, stood in one corner of the room along with Bradley. Each of their faces confused and frankly scared as they stare at the scene in front of them.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now