Make It Up!

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"That b*tch!!!" Diane screams out, kicking the railing in frustration attracting attention of the passerby's. "WHAT?" She screams at them as well and they disperse as quickly as possible. "Mind your f***ing business."

                            Diane's (POV)

It's always about Kris isn't it? 'I live and die for him' is that her motto? Aren't there other people in the world besides him? Or is this how people in love think? Build their whole world around one person, if that's the case, then who the hell needs love?

"Someone's in a bad mood." A man's voice interrupts my thoughts. Who is this guy? "You're David's friend aren't you?" He asks leaning on the railing with me. "'s you." I disgustingly say distancing myself from him.

It's that annoying prick that was with David a couple days ago. Out of all people he had to show up now? "What do you want?"
"Am I not allowed to stay here? Last I remember this is public property." He smartly states, getting on my nerve.

"JUST SHUT UP!" I yell taking out my anger for David on him.
"WHAT HAVE I EVEN DONE?" He offendedly asks and I breathe out calming myself.

"I'm sorry." I apologize, he's a stranger that I just shouted at, even if the guy annoys me, I have no right to do that, "I just..."
"Have a lot on your mind?" He continues,
"Yes!" I glare raising my voice again and then lean back on the railing, gazing into the frozen lake.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Don't you have anything else to do? Did I ask you to come here and talk to me?"
"I was just-"
"I DON'T CARE!" I cut him off, why is he so annoying?....hmmmm...relax..calm down Diane.

"I'm really sorry." I apologize extending my hand to him. He shakes it with a smile and we both just stare at each other, in peace...finally.

That peace didn't last long. Some punks threw a snowball in my face......

........"YOU STUPID KIDS!"

David's (POV)

"So now we don't know what to do." I breathe out. I mean we still die if we're together, but...
Ahhhh!!!!! I feel like I'm in one of those cliche dramatic movies. Except I don't get paid. Which reminds me, it's almost New Year, I need to pay the hospital fees.

Alex's (POV)

"You said that they die if they're together in the same area right?" I ask Mia and she nods, "So why don't you guys just Skype, or call, I mean there are many ways. You don't have to breakup." I suggest my idea and they all look at me pokerfaced.

Never mind, I wanted to say but Kris jumped up, giving me a hug.


"You're a genius!" He exclaims and I look at everyone's smiling relieved faces. Are they being sarcastic now or what?

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now