Somewhere Really Far

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It's been four days since I confessed to Kris, and things have been pretty much the same. He still orders me around, yells, and we argue about almost everything. I still work at the hotel. I don't know how I manage. Ted and I have been in contact, I finally gave him my phone number and we text everyday. Diane, well Diane has been acting a bit strange. After I told her I broke up with Ted and told Kris how I feel, she got irritated and now gets pissed a lot. I think she's on her period.

"Are you going to stay there all day?"
"Uh? Oh sorry." I apologize and hurry after Kris.
"Where's your mind these days?" He pokes my head.
"Wait I know what's going on." He turns to me, "You can't stop thinking about me." He says in a cocky manner.
"It's okay. It's okay." He pats my head, "I know I'm irresistible."
"I'm just sorry we don't feel the same way." He sarcastically grabs his heart.
"How does it feel to be in a one sided relationship?" He leans to my face.
"Kris." I say annoyed.
"Tell me, what do you like about me?"
"Are you serious now?" I roll my eyes.
"My handsome face? Sexy figure? Height? The fact that I'm rich?" He stands up proud.
"Aaahhhh! I don't have time for this." I shove the meeting documents at him.
"Listen after work, there's going to be an after party, to celebrate the end of the casino construction."
"And?" I ask.
"You have to come with me."
"Because almost all employees will be there, and we've been through this before, where I go you follow."
"I can't. There's something I have to do during that time."
"What is it?" He asks.
"Something. Anyways I can't go, sorry."
"How long will that something take?"
"About 5 hours." I tell him.
"5 hours? What do you need 5 hours for?" He exclaims in shock.
"I have my own private life you know."
"Can't you do that 5 hour thing before?"
"When?" I ask, "I work with you till evening."
"What if..... I let you go now?" He tells me, "Yes! You can go! Do what you have to and then come to the party. Don't be late."

Is he starting to like me, so he wants me to go with him? Awww he's so sweet. That's what any normal girl would think, but I know better. He wants me to come so I could hold his drink or something. I get to the hotel and change to my uniform. I already spoke to the manager and he said it's okay if I work now and leave later. Everyone at R&C is so understanding. I love working here.

"Hello! Welcome to R&C. Would you like a room?"
"Yes please-"

                           3rd Person(POV)

"Who is that girl?"
"The new receptionist Ma'am."
"Look into her, will you?" Rachel requests as they pass the lobby.
"Yes Ma'm."

                   David's (POV)

"Okay I'm coming!" I tell Kris over the phone.
"No need to send a car, I still haven't changed yet." Aaah! I pull the phone away from my ear. No need to shout Kris. "Just relax, I'll be there." I tell him and hang up. I have to hurry home and change, before Kris explodes my phone. I switch it off and leave the hotel.
"Sorry!" I apologize bumping into a person entering the hotel.
"It's okay." He tells me and keeps going.

Now I just need a taxi. I look at the road searching for one, when a black car pulls up in front of me. The driver steps out and walks towards the passenger door, he opens it and with his hands ushers me to go in. Of course I resist but then I notice a familiar face inside.
"Miss Jones." I exclaim in both relief and surprise.
"Hello David. Would you mind?" She pats the seat beside her. I obediently sit and the door closes.
"How are you?" She asks.
"I'm good." I tell her.
"I heard you broke with Ted."
"Yeah....about that." I look to the side.
"It's okay," she rubs my shoulder,"we can't help what we feel." I look at her and smile.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks.
"Because you remind me of someone."
"Hmmm." She smiles back at me, "Listen David I need you to listen carefully." She says readjusting her sitting position, "Don't play around with Ted."
I look at her confused and she continues explaining.
"I know you're not someone who'd do that, but I'm just telling you. Ted has a big heart, and when he loves someone, he loves them with all of it. But because of his big heart he got hurt a lot. And so it is filled with pain. What I'm trying to say is, don't add salt to the wound. Do you love Kris?"
"Then continue loving him. And don't give up. Because once you give up, it will look like hope to Ted. I don't want my son hurt anymore, you understand?"
".. I do.."
"Good." She tells me wiping a tear from her eye.
"Ummm if that's all you had to say... I need to go. There's this party after work..and if I don't make it, Kris will-"
"I know." She cuts me off, "That's why we're here. To get you ready."
"We?" I ask and as I do, the car stops, the door opens and at least ten people pull me out and push me into some sort of shop.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now