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She's standing at her door surprised by my sudden visit. I wanna greet her but I feel like I can't stand anymore. I barge into her house, pushing her out the way. Trying to find the nearest chair, I don't even look around. I don't notice how fine and pleasant her home is. How it is large and refined, unlike mine. Well obviously it would be different, she is the head of the commercial department after all. And I am a mere assistant who spends all her money on an old debt.

"David, what's going on?" She asks looking concerned. I don't reply but bury my face in my hands.
"Just...relax." She says hugging me, "I'll make you tea."
I watch her back leave into the kitchen and try to get a hold of myself. I should calm down. I should stop shaking. Stop David! Stop!
My phone starts ringing in my pocket, I take it out hoping that it's Kris but......it's his sister.

D: .......
M: David! Where are you?
D: .....with a friend.
M: It's Diane isn't it?
D: yeah! I'm at her house.
M: listen David get out of there. You can't stay with her alone!
D: Why?
M: You just can't. She doesn't think of you the way you think. David just get out of there. I'll come and get you. Don't fall asleep and don't drink anything!
D: You're not making any sense.
M: She is not the bad guy, but she is going to do something bad. Something you won't enjoy. Or maybe you will. No you won't. What am I thinking?
D: ......okay...Bye. (Hangs up)

What the hell?

Diane comes back with my tea and sits next to me.
"What happened?"
I take a sip before letting everything out.
"Kris has a girlfriend."
"..oh..." She glances aside, "it's okay. Everyone has girlfriends. They date for sometime and then break up. That's how relationships work. He'll break up with her, you'll see."
"No he won't."
"He will David yo-"
"She's HIS FIRST LOVE!" I randomly burst out and look at her. She looks at me sighing before sitting herself on the floor, in front of me.
"It's okay." She rubs my shoulder,"It's gonna be okay."
"All this time I was chasing after him like an idiot. I wish I could just disappear."
"Hey! Don't speak nonsense. That jerk doesn't deserve you. Not falling in love with you after all this time, probably has terrible taste in people. Forget him." She tells me.
"I can't. I love him."
Upon hearing that Diane fiercely stands, throwing her arms in the air.
"Kris! Kris! Kris! That's all you ever talk about!"
"......" I look at her startled and she continues.
"First it was Ted! I didn't interfere because he seemed nice. But Kris, that asshole. What's wrong with you?"
"Why does it have to be him?"
"Why can't it be me?" She shouts through tears. I just stare at her in shock.
"Diane,....Im...I'm confused."
"I love you David." She looks at me with red earnest eyes. "I'm into women, and I'm in love with you."
What? Am I hearing right? Is this actually happening? Diane is a -
"I know you don't feel the same about me.....but..... I had to say it. I had to tell you how I feel. The guilt was killing me inside."
"We should probably not see each other anymore. Who would want to hang out with someone like me? It's better if you leave now, I'll delete your number. I'll get over you, not right away, but I will. Goodbye David." Opening the front door, she turns her back to me and I can see her wiping away the tears.

After staring at her back for a while, I leave my chair and walk to the door. Shutting it I spin her round to face me.
"Who said we shouldn't see each other anymore? Huh!? Because you like me? Because you like girls? So what? We can't help what we feel! I'm in love with a guy who thinks I'm trans. Get yourself together!" I shake her shoulders, "You're Diane! My best friend! I know you will get over whatever you're feeling towards me, and you'll be glad you did! Now pull your shit together before I punch you in the nose!" I hold up my fist.
"Hey! Nothing touches this pretty face! Kay!" She shouts pushing me, "Don't you dare threaten me this way again! Got it? Besides I don't like you anymore. Now that I had a good look at your face. You are pretty ugly."
"Now that's the Diane I'm talking about." I jump up and hug her. At that moment the door swings open and Mia barges in screaming-
"I'll save you David!"

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora