You're Scared

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I sit up rubbing my eyes. It's morning. Did I... fall asleep? Oh......what will Rachel think of me? I came in here looking like I was raped, fell to the floor and probably dirtied the carpet, then I desperately hung on to her and fell asleep. She's probably thinking I'm some sort of rapist hobo, or a hobo that got raped. But who would rape a hobo?

Hmm hmmm....I sniff the air. Smells like waffles. I sniff once more and my stomach starts a world war 4 in there. Shhh! I speak to it. Calm down! You'll eat once we get out! Yes, I am speaking to my stomach....out loud. I'll add that to my list of weird things I've spoken to.

There were the sheep, I say getting out of bed. The goat, the paint gun, coffee mug, sun, water, my feet, lamp post and now stomach. Ahhh....can I get any weirder?

"Good morning." Rachel greets me, and I look around like some refugee. I didn't even realize I already entered the dining room, I must've unconsciously followed the smell of waffles here.

"Go on, sit down." She invites me to breakfast and I look at the delicious food but refuse, "Thank you, but I'm not hungry." I can't eat here, it's too much of a burden on her. Sleeping in her home and eating her food too. That's too much.

"I will have no child going about without breakfast in this house!" She sternly tells me and I roll my eyes, "I'm not a child. I'm 26."
"And I'm 70, so you better listen and put your butt down." She warns me holding a wooden spoon.

I obediently sit and and smile to myself, so this is what it must feel like to have a grandma. It's so fun. I look at her and can't help but laugh. "What? What's so funny?" She asks staring at me.
"You looked so funny with that spoon." I try to control my laughter. "Well instead of just sitting there, come here and give me a hand." She nudges me to join her and I get up awkwardly.

"I've never made waffles before." I confess as she gives me an apron.
"It's okay I'll teach you." She tells me and hands me an egg.
"Just add about 4 in the bowl, while I get the flour." She instructs me going to a cabinet.
Okay, this is easy.

"What are you doing?" She stares at me confusedly.
"What? You told me to add eggs." I say counting them, did I put in extra?
"You're supposed to crack them."
"Ohhh!" I exclaim and she pinches me. "This child! Watch..." She tells me and begins to make the mixture.

"Thank you, for yesterday" I smile awkwardly by the door.
"Oh you don't have to. It was my pleasure."
We say our goodbyes and I step out.

"Oh and David?" She calls after me and I turn around, "Visit more often if you like."
"I will!" I happily shout and leave through the large metal gates.

"Are you serious?" I ask, helping Diane with the file arrangement.
"Yup, didn't show up for work. Says he's really sick." Diane sharply replies....but wait, he can't be sick. He swam in the lake.
"I'm surprised you don't know about this. Don't you guys like live together?" She looks at me, "Wait.....something happened didn't it? What do I not know?" She asks me with suspicion.

"We.....broke up."
"WHAT? WHEN? WHY? HOW?.....WHY??" She yells grabbing my shoulders and shaking me like a maraca.
"It's.....a long story."
"I've got time!" She shouts and then a secretary knocks in the door, "The meeting's about to start."
"Okay I don't have time." She slumps her shoulders, "But tonight, you, me, Alex's place! Got that?"
"Yes sir!" I exaggeratedly salute her and march out like a soldier.

Since he's not here..... I don't have to work, so what do I do? Should I visit him? No! I'll just go home and rest.

It's so cold nowadays. I need to hurry up, if I don't wanna freeze out here in the open. Brrrrrrrr...I shiver entering my apartment building. What's this? I look at the object at my door.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora