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"Hey David! It's me Diane, it's been a week since you stepped out of your house. And you don't pick up my calls....so......please just call me back when you have the time." I hear the end of the voice message and pull out the plug of the phone. Grabbing my cup of coffee I sit on my bed and drink while watching T.V. My favorite show is about to start. I hear a knock on my door before it swings open and Ted walks in.

"It smells like someone died in here." He closes his nose, "When did you last open the window." He pulls back the curtains and the sun light blinds me. I feel like a vampire 'Aaah the light!' "Ughhh!" I squint my eyes.
"What's wrong with you David?" He looks at me.
"Nothing. I just wanna watch T.V, could you please move?" I shoo him with the remote.
"Tsk! Look at you, you went from Snow White to lab rat. Get out of bed!" He pulls my blanket.
"No!" I tell him holding it hard.
"Let go!" He pulls, "You need to go out and live."
"I don't want to." I tell him sticking out my tongue.
"Oh really?" He asks and grabs me, carrying me off the bed and into the bathroom. While I fight and try to get out. "Wash up." He tells me splashing water in my face.

I hesitantly wash myself. I can hear him humming a song while waiting for me outside.

"Now you're Snow White again." He tells me as I come out of the bathroom. I give him a smile and kick him out while I change. I look through the window and suddenly have a desire to run out there. I quickly change grab Ted and run onto the street.

Ahhhhh! I take a deep breath, this fresh air is so good. The feeling of the winter wind hitting my face, the frost on my nose, this is the best. "You really are like the Sun Ted." I  look at him. "Am I that yellow?" He asks making an exaggerated shock face.
Hmmm, I laugh, "It's not that....... Anyways, there's something I wanted to ask you."
"What is it?" He stops walking and looks at me.
"I've been really curious....about..." I say swaying from side to side before placing my attack, "WHAT IS YOUR POWER?!!!"
He looks at me and sighs, "You're still talking about that? And it's not power it's called gift..okay? It's not like I fire lasers from my eyes......it's just ....something."
"WHAAT IS THAT SOMETHING?" I slump my body against the air.
"I'd tell you..." He says leaning closer to me, "...........but then I'd have to kill you."
"TED!" I yell as he distances himself from me and resumes walking.
"Where are you going?" I run after him, "Ted? Wait!"

                           Kris's (POV)

Mmmmm. What should I wear? Style is very important. It's cold but I shouldn't dress up too warm, or else no one would notice my fitness and muscles, but I don't wanna go too open, that's just plain stupid and a disgrace to fashion.
I open one of my drawers and see the vivid green, the only green I've ever worn, the green of  the sweat pants David once gave me. This must be so cheap, I think to myself, pulling them out. I can't believe I wore this! I hold them and walk to the trash bin...........

Aaaaaahhhh! Sooooo cuuuuteee! Look at her tail, so wiggly. "She's adorable." I say looking at Ted. He smiles back at me, "all small dog breeds are adorable. You just gotta love them right for them to stay that way." He tells me and continues playing with the dogs. They really like him. I'm not surprised, who wouldn't like Ted. He's like someone from out of this world. He's too good for this cruel place, but I wouldn't want him to go.......he's my only sun in this dark sky.

We walk around the pet shop for sometime looking at parrots, bunnies, cats and all types of animals. "What's this?" I ask peering into a glass box.
"I don't know." Ted says looking inside, "I don't see anything."
I slightly knock on the glass and tiny black legs start emerging from a corner.
"AAAAAAAAh!" I scream totally forgetting that we're in a shop.
"Relax, it's just a spider." Ted tells me while looking at that creepy creature, "Or......are you......scared of them?" He slowly looks at me raising his eyebrow.
"Scared? Pfffttt! What scared? Who scared? Me? No! Never. I'm TERRIFIED!!" I say grabbing his collar and shaking him a bit. "Let's just leave." I suggest.
"Just a second." Ted requests still eyeing the spider. What's so interesting about them? They're disgusting, scary, creepy, ugly......the more I think about them the more I remember Kris.....and our spider incident.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن