Hell Began

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The time is 7:15 am and I am running for my life. More like for my job but since my job gives me money, money to eat and sleep, which is all I need right now.....so it's the same  as running for my life since I'm about to be fired. How can I get fired in the first 15 minutes of work? The answer is simple, Kris Jones is my boss.

As soon as I sat at my desk the doors open and Mister-Starbucks-That-Only-Drinks-Voss-Water comes out. He takes long strides towards my desk, places both his hands on it and leans forward. He looks into my face and OH MY GOD why is he so good looking up close? If looks could kill all his girlfriends end up dead on the first date.
"You! Bring me the hotel resort commercial updated contract now!"
"Right away Sir."
"I should have it by 7:18. If you're late you're fired."
"Why are you surprised? Are you complaining? You would be an easy replacement.There are many people that would die to take your place. I know what kind of a person you are....so it's better to pack up. Don't you think?"
"You said you want the updated contract? Then you shall have it right away."
He breathes sarcastically and walks back to his office but right before entering he turns around and says "The commercial department is on the 48 floor. Oh! And did I mention our lift goes up to only the 40."

So I am running as fast as I can. I already got the contract, I took the lift to 40 floor and then the stairs up to 48 and back the same way. It wasn't that tiring since I'm a former runner. But still the time ahhhhh! Have to make it.

I rush into his office and throw the papers on his desk.
"Hmmm you made it with time to spare. Maybe I don't know you all that well."
"There are a ton of things you don't know about me. Like the fact that I'm a former marathon runner and the-"
"Wait." He says sharply while flipping through the pages "this isn't signed."
What? No. How could I forget to check the sign? Is that it? I lost.
"Even a marathon runner won't make it in 3 minutes. You're fired."
"No!" I say and take out my phone
"I won't leave this way!" I grab the contract run out of the office and dial Diane's number. Diane is the person I bumped into on my first day of work and she's helped me out a lot since then. She became one of my closest friends and she is also the head of the commercial department.
"Hey it's me where are you?"
"I'm heading towards Kris's office right now seems like I forgot to sign the contract. Why?"
"Start running."
"What? Wh-why?"
"Just do it, my life depends on it."
So now two grown women were running in heels down the corridor. One confused and the other nervous. And just like that in a couple of seconds we bumped into each other.
"Here sign. Please hurry."
"Okay okay. But what's going on?"
"I'm about to be fired in a minute unless I get the contract signed and delivered to his highness."
I grab the contract and run back to the office. "I will explain everything at dinner tonight." I say while running at full speed.

Diane's POV
Dinner? Is she inviting me out today? Well as long as she's paying...

I run into the office like some sort of psycho who just escaped the hospital. "Here*aaah* *aaahh* the....contract....signed....." I breathe heavily.
He looks at me with wide eyes, an expression I didn't think he had.
"I'm...on...time....so... I guess... I'm not...fired. I will get back to my....desk Sir. If you will excuse me I have work to do." I say as cooly as I could while still breathing like a bulldog.

Kris's POV
'How did she? Did she sign the contract herself? No she doesn't know the sign. Or does she? No no no she's not the type of person to do that. Why am I treating her like she's a saint? She's not a saint, she is totally evil and deceitful. Pretending to be dumb and clumsy so that I would let my guard down but the truth is she's smart and sly, waiting to take over my place. What kind of person are you?'
I'm peeking at her through the window while thinking all that. Wait what am I doing? Peeking? Hahahhaha don't make me laugh. It's normal for an employer to observe his employee.

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