The Constriction

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"Argh!" The blonde exclaimed in annoyance pushing Lexa's bony arm away from her face. It was always been like that every time they have a sleepovers. Lexa would always finds a way to smack Clarke awake. The blonde grumbled and faced the brunette who was still deep in her sleep. The tension on her face was now replaced by a more relaxed and serene feature. Clarke etched out the brunette's piercing jaw line, the perfect sculptured nose, the pillow lips... That once touched hers.

She gulped down the sudden urge of kissing the sleeping Lexa and gripped the blanket closer instead.

"You're staring, Clarke," Lexa mumurred without opening her eyes.

Clarke cleared her throat and faced the ceiling. "No I'm not," furrowing her brows. Busted!

Lexa opened her eyes squinting at the blonde who was turning away from her.

"Clarke," she called out.

The blonde did not responded. Lexa touched the blonde's cheek to face her. She could see the defeated blue eyes boring on her. She tried to supress the bubbling sensation crawling up her chest. Her hand still lingers on the blonde's cheek unmoved. Their eyes were magnetised, as if there is nothing in the world matters but the girl infront of her.

Her heart was racing, pounding hard on her chest. Kiss her, Lexa. Kiss. Her. She feels her eyes landed on the plump lips, wondering what it feels like touching those again. She feels herself scooting closer. She could feel her breathing getting heavier and heavier.


As she gazed back to the green eyes, it was as if it's piercing through her soul. The sizzling heat of Lexa's hand on her cheek shot through her whole body. Butterflies were bursting to life. Her fingers were twitching. She wanted to reach out but was unmoved.

She noticed it. How Lexa's eyes drifted from her eyes to her lips. She felt her lips quivered involuntarily. The way the brunette scooted closer making her lose her breath.What is she doing? It this happening? But found herself moving in, meeting her.


They're breathing on each other. The heat was building up. This is it. Their lips were inches from each other. Lexa wet her lips and tentatively closed her eyes anticipating for the contact.


Without hesitation, Lexa shoved the blonde away from her.

"Aaahhh!!!" Clarke came tumbling off the bed. Seriously, Lexa?! She whipped her blonde head in annoyance to the source of the sound and came face to face with Costia, Raven, Anya and Octavia gawking at them with wide eyes.

"... Happy Birthdaaaaay...," they chorused in unison as it slowly fades out. Raven cleared her throat and openly smirked at them. Clarke hastily went up to her feet and flung the blanket back to the bed.

"Heeeeeyyy... Thank you guys! You shouldn't have to," Lexa beaming at them as she made her way greeting them with a hug. Costia placed infront of her a lighted candle cake.

"Make a wish," smiling friendily.

Lexa closed her eyes and made the very same wish that she did last night. She hoped and prayed that it will come true eventually.


After the friendly pats, and greetings from the others. They all trudged downstairs for breakfast meeting Gustus busyily making magic in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, my little heda! Happy birthday!" kissing Lexa on the forehead and hugging her tightly.

"Thanks dad," she muttered ignoring the glances she's getting from Raven. "Need help?" she asked positively. With much hope that she could evade her pending questions written all over her face.

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