The Denial

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Lexa knew what she did was too sudden. She knew it was a bold move. She could feel the guilt seeping every inch of her body. She sighed exasperatedly. When are you coming back, Clarke?


*2 weeks ago*

Knock knock

Knock knock

"Oh hi, Mrs. Griffin! Is Clarke home? I just want to return her jacket," Lexa smiled.

"Lexa, didn't Clarke tell you? She left for New York yesterday. She accepted the internship offered to her." Abby informed looking at the clueless brunette.

"Oh yes! I completely forgot!" Lexa lied. "Well... Uh here's her jacket. By chance, do you know when will she be coming back?" Lexa asked curiously.

Abby shook her head, "Clarke said she'll be there for awhile. I think its good for her to have a new environment. She really needs to unwind. Things in this town... had been very overwhelming for her. She needed some time breathe. She'll be staying at her aunt's house. She's a psychiatrist she could really help Clarke to adjust." Abby nodded approvingly.

Lexa nodded in agreement and bid Abby goodbye. New York? Internship? Why didn't she tell me? Is it because we kissed? *Sigh*

Lexa turned towards her street, forking out her phone. Her thumb hovered over Clarke's name, she closed her eyes and pressed call.



"Hey, you've reached Clarke. I'm probably busy with awesome stuff. You know what to do."


Lexa ended the call.



It had been two weeks since she last saw Clarke. Lexa had been grumpy and cold shoulder with her friends. She had been constantly checking on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media means to get hold of Clarke but it was useless.

Her phone suddenly bursted into life. Clarke? She immediately scrambled to her feet, flinging off the blanket and grabbed her phone from the table. Her stomach dropped with disappointment seeing Raven's name. She rolled back on her bed covering her ears, ignoring the blasting sound of her phone.



"Alexandria? You're friends are here," Gustus announced as he opened the bedroom door letting her friends in. The buffed man grumbled and tsk-ed under his breath seeing the brunette lying on her bed in a total mess. He nodded at Octavia, who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Lexa! Wakey wakey! Wake up! Come on!" Pulling Lexa's exposed leg out of the bed. "It's a beautiful day outside. Let's go out," Flinging the blanket off the girl.

"Come on, Commander. Your princess won't be pleased seeing you like this," Raven teased.

Lexa whipped her head giving Raven a deadly glare, who perfectly knew that she will react violently with her nickname.

"Shof op!" Sandwiching her head between pillows, drowning the sound.

"You really got to stop with your grounder language. Lexa! LEXA!" Raven shouted, pulling away the pillow. "For the love of God! Lexa! Don't make us drag you out of your room! Anya? Could you come and help us?" Raven summoned desperately, looking at the girl leaning against the door frame giving them a smirk.

"Sorry, Rae. Not my scene. I would rather enjoy watching you guys," she winked at Raven.

Raven scowled at her.

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