The Heart Grow Fonder

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A month later

Clarke knew that was the end of her when Raven told her about the it. She was never good at sports, during gym she had been hit by balls and it doesn't matter even if they were not using any during their period. Jogging was even a torture, the blonde kept on tripping on even straight pavement without a problem. And her misfortunes are a long lists that she wants to forget.

"Hiking, Raven? Really? You know I'm not good with even pathways and now your asking me to go hiking. Trees. Dirt. UNEVEN GROUND. You do knows where I'm heading right?" Clarke dictates every single word with dignity, trying to convey to the other girl the obvious.

"I know, Clarke! But the others are going to be there and you're the only one going to be left behind. That wouldn't be fun wouldn't it?" Raven cooed back at Clarke, trying to break the girls determination to not to go. Raven knew that Clarke is a sucker for not going to any social events, or rather even UN-eventful happenings. Clarke just have to be there without question.

The blonde sighed and clenched her fist tightly. She tsk-ed and stared hard at Raven who was grinning ear to ear.

"Pleeaassee... You're going to miss all the fun!.... Lexa's gonna be there..." she smirked at the blonde who was now furrowing her brows and giving Raven a dirty look.

"What does Lexa got to do with this?"

"Oh puh-lease! I'm not that dumb."

"Raven! I don't know what you're talking about. Seriously." Who was starting to get annoyed by Raven's constant smirk every time Lexa and her were at the same room.

"Ok fine. Forget what I said. Just please, come on! Just come...," Raven begged relentlessly.

Clarke gave up and sighed loudly," Ok fine. I'm in. But if anything bad happen to me you're all to blame," threatening the girl who nodded happily giving her a hug. What have I gotten myself into? Clarke grimaced by the thought of the coming Saturday. But Lexa though... her stomach made a flipped making Clarke stunned. What just happened?


Octavia Blake: "Goodmorning!!! Rise and shine!!! Wake up sleepy head, its almost time to hike. I'll pick you up in an hour. Text me! :D"

Lexa tossed from her sleep hearing the faint ding of her phone. She groaned loudly grabbing her phone, reading the text message. Lexa grumbled again rolling out of her bed. Dragged herself into the shower and prepared her stuff. Today the group are going to go hiking or rather cycling. Okay, maybe a mix of both. Thanks to Anya and Octavia's bright idea, because the best way to spend their Saturday morning is to trek into the woods. Not that Lexa is complaining, she loves nature she could feel it calling her. The serenity and peaceful sceneries that you won't get to see anywhere else. But due to the fact that Clarke is going to be there. And this past month, Lexa learned that Clarke isn't really an outdoorsy person.

Just a simple jog around the block could harm her more than a human being could. She's great with people but physical activities not so much. And that worries Lexa, rather more than she should be. She grew fonder of the blondie this past month. She kept a look out whenever she feels like blondie is in danger or in harms way. Evidently, both Clarke and Lexa seemed to always find their way into trouble everytime theyre together. Stranded in an elevator. Being chased by dogs at the parks. Being locked in a room for a couple of hours and the lists goes on. Lexa doesn't really mind because she came to realise that she loves spending time with Clarke. She's funny and bubbly. She could light up the room instantaneously. Something that Lexa could never acquire and she envy the girl for it.

Lexa heard a knock on her door at exactly 8am and she knew its Octavia. Always on the dot, that's what she loves about Octavia, a not so stereotype girl.

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