The Best of Friends

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*4 hours ago*

The cold breeze greeted Clarke face as she stepped out of the Hospital entrance. She had enough thoughts bombarding her, that she barely noticed a black rolls royce circling around the parking and came halting in front of her. Hold yourself together, Clarke. Its just dinner. She grabbed the door open and peeked inside.

"Clarke," Gustus nodded.

"Mr. Heda," she nodded back.

She slipped inside the posh leather interior seat and buckled down her seatbelt. Silently she let out an uneven breath and crinkled her nose.

"Don't have to be nervous, Clarke," Gustus reassured as they exit out of the hospital compound.

They drove in silence, the radio was playing audibly on the background. Clarke tried to picture herself in a peaceful and angst free environment. She tried to repeatedly remind herself that nothing will ever go wrong. She nodded. She's starting to feel good. Dinner? Psh. Piece of cake. An hour of sitting and eating good food. Chicken! She's feeling the positive vibe all around her. Next thing she knew she was humming to the song coming out of the speaker. She was nodding her head to the sound of the electric guitar and drums.

"Highway run... Into the midnight sun... Wheels go round and round... And I'll forever yooouurrrssss... Faithfully," she can feel it sipping through her bones. The melody, the song, as it speaks to her. She pictures herself singing out loud with Jake just like how they used to.

"Big fan?" Clarke whipped her direction to Gustus who was smiling faintly. Very discretely just like how Lexa was. Clarke laughed nervously rubbing her arm unconsciously.

"Yes, sir. My father and I used to sing it. Everytime we had a party at home. Its our "father-daughter" number one ghetto." With air quotations, laughing by the thought of it.

Gustus nodded and silence again filled the car.

"Uh... Thank you inviting me for dinner. I appreciate it very much," Clarke said timidly.

Gustus studied her for awhile and slowly break down the main reason why he invited Clarke.

"There's a reason why I invited you Clarke. And I think we both know who and what I am referring to," Gustus saw Clarke nodded and continued.

"Lexa had been, let's just put it, closed off. I was worried for her after everything that had happened with her mother and now... With Echo. She started blocking people... Including myself."

Clarke nodded in agreement because that was how she saw the brunette was doing exactly. She understands her father completely and felt the empathy towards him.

"But I have noticed that something was changing when he entered Tondc. I have to say I was happy that I did what I have to do... That somehow lead to all of these changes in my daughter. And I believe that you were held partially responsible to all of this?"

Clarke was speechless, she doesn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. She tried to defend herself but instead apologises for whatever action.

"With all due respect, sir, I will apologise first for whatever changes that had happened to Lexa. I am deeply sorry for... For-"

Gustus held his hands at Clarke.The blonde squirmed on her seat making a squeaky sound. Gustus chuckled and shook his head at the sight of the girl.

"Nothing bad, Clarke. I should be thanking you. As it turns out in every possible - horrible - melachonic experience that Alexandria had experienced you seemed to be there with her."

Clarke pursed her lips at the memories that Lexa and her shared throughout the months. She grimaced by the thoughts of the possibilites at how Gustus reacted when he heard the news. She stole a peek at the buffed man on her side and grimaced some more.

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