The Process of Decissions

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"What the hell are you doing?"

Clarke jumped on her seat when a girl came bursting inside her office and loomed on her.

"Anya?" She asked confusedly. "What are you doing here?"

"Don't change the subject, Griffin! What did you do to make Lexa cry all night?!" Anya demanded, leaning over her desk.

"I-... I don't know! Why? What happened?" Suddenly standing up, to meet those wild eyes.

The older girl sighed seeing just how confused the blonde was as her. She sat down on the couch and leaned against it, sighing. Rubbing the bridge of nose, she set her eyes again on Clarke's worried look, "I didn't get enough sleep because your girlfriend came knocking on my door in the middle of the night crying. She's a wreck, Clarke. I was thinking," tilting her head in wonder, "what the hell did you this time?"

The blonde opened her mouth feeling greatly offended because she have no idea what the hell was going on in the first place. She thought they were having so much fun last night, "I don't know! We were fine last night. We were having fun. Making jokes. Laughing... That was it," she explains, "when she left I was confused too because it's so sudden. Roa-..."

Clarke then shut her eyes closed in realization. She puffed agitatedly for knowing why.

"What? What is it?" Anya leaned forward when her friend came sitting down beside her, suddenly breathing raggedly.

"I think I know why Lexa left...," Opening her eyes, pulling that apologetic smile.


"Hi!" Lexa turns around and found Dr. Lorelei approaching her widely smiling.

"Good morning Doctor," she nodded.

"You're here early in the morning. Well isn't this a lovely sight after my 12 hour shift," the woman chuckles softly when the brunette ducked down and smiles.

"I was just making sure that everything will be settled for tomorrow's training. Talking to the trainers about the goals that we have to reach to make it successful," she explains.

"I see," Dr. Lorelei nodded, looking down on the check list that was on Lexa's hands, "I can see that you're very thorough with your job. No wonder Dr. Wallace is very fond of you."

Hearing those words made the brunette chuckles and nodded, "So I've heard," she shrugs boastfully.


"Where are you going?" Anya bolted out of the door and trailed behind Clarke's fast pace.

"Is she here?" Turning behind but her pace never falters.

"Yes but I'm not sure which level she's at right now. I can call her-..," but the woman didn't managed to stop in time and bumped against Clarke. "Why did you..." She trailed off when she saw what the girl saw.


"I love your hair," the doctor uttered, taking the curls to her fingers and twirling it.

Lexa smiles shyly, "thank you. I don't really like letting it loose because it gets in the way but-.."

"You should! It's beautiful!" Dr. Lorelei hinted, tucking a strand behind Lexa's ear and noticed it tinted red. She knew that she got the girl blushing. "Hey...," those green eyes looks back at her, "do you wanna grab something to eat? For lunch?"

Biting her lips, she ponders if this was a good idea or not. She knew it's good because more interaction meaning she could have more connection for the company's sake. But rewinding the words that Anya told her about the doctor liking her... Made her think twice.

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